Displaying 21 - 30 of 60.
With the rise in the number of cases of Coronavirus in Egypt, politicians and human rights activists are raising their voices, demanding for the release of those in preventative custody especially for issues of opinion in light of the spread of the novel Coronavirus, which the World Health...
“Imagine you enter a war and you capture some of the enemy’s soldiers. Those captured have now become your prisoners and one of them has a heart attack. Will you let the person die or take him to hospital? Law, religion, and humanity oblige you to take the suffering person to a hospital and safe...
A Coptic family in the village of al-Kashḥ, the center of Dār al-Salām in Sūhāj governorate, called on President ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ al-Sīsī to release Jirjis Rāḍī Jirjis Murqus from prison.
Despite preventing visits to all Egyptian prisons until the end of March and the authorities agreeing to let in basic necessities to prisoners, a large number of families confirmed that they are not being allowed to bring in disinfectants, sanitizers, and other means of personal hygiene to fight...
Nine Egyptian human rights organizations in a joint statement on Friday called on the International Committee of the Red Cross to inspect Egyptian prison conditions.  They expressed their growing concern over the increase in the number of deaths of those in prison since the beginning of this year...
Some American circles are circulating amongst themselves claims related to the imprisonment and death of the dual American-Egyptian citizen Muṣṭafā Qāsim, saying that he was exposed to a mock trial and therefore it bears responsibility for his declining health.  However, the Interior Ministry...
Egyptian women experience different kinds of violence and recently the violations against female human rights activists and women’s rights defenders have increased. According to the organisation, Nazra for Feminist Studies, the violations against women in Egypt are increasing. These violations...
Usāma Aḥmad Aḥmad Murād, a former prisoner of Ṭurah Prison, was driven to suicide on Monday morning after facing bad treatment at the hands of the prison administration. A tweet published on Monday morning by Egyptian journalist ʿAbd al-Raḥmān ʿAyyāsh revealed the detainee had committed suicide not...
Recently released political activist, ʿAlāʾ ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ, announced on Wednesday that he had gone to the National Council for Human Rights to complain about the inflexibility of carrying out the punishment of police observation.
For many years expatriate churches in Cairo organize regular visits to foreign prisoners at Qanater prison. French-Moroccan intern Dina Bouchkouch visited foreign female prisoners, including two Moroccans, in Qanater prison on August 6. Dina visited the Moroccan Embassy in Cairo as she had promised...


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