Displaying 541 - 550 of 748.
Each nation has its own special culture and beliefs. It is true that there is a common human culture but, still, some basic differences remain. The file of homosexuality is still open and the issue is raised every now and then in reports released by outside human rights organizations. This file...
The U.S. president George W. Bush uttered a famous phrase: “The ideal marriage is that between a man and a woman.” It appears Bush is standing against many issues that are considered controversial for the American people, like abortion and gay marriage. Bush made use of these disputes [on the issue...
A report released on the health condition of President Mubarak by Hani Al-Seba’i, the head of Al-Maqrizi Center for Historical Studies, also revealed the names of the organizations that are against the regime. These organizations disseminate their ideas from abroad freely. Those organizations are...
Three interesting articles about Pope Shenouda. Journalistic articles should incorporate different opinions, experiences, and perspectives.
Many literal works that were recommended to be banned by the Islamic Research Institute, like “Waleemat A’shab Al-Bahr” [Banquet of seaweeds] by Haidar Haidar, and most recently Nawal Al-Sa’adawi’s “Soqout Al-Imam [the Fall of the Imam], are humble and modest texts from a literary point-of-view...
Generally, non-Muslims living on Arab Muslim lands are radically denied the dignity of the citizen. They are excluded from the process of decision making at all levels. Their rights are denied, or at least severely restricted, in occupying positions of senior (’sovereign’) ministries or prime-...
The author comments on the statement of the Israeli Abraham Borge that the conflict taking place in the Middle East is between the Islamic Arab civilization and the Judeo-Christian civilization over the possession of a land of great importance. The author wrote that Judaism and Christianity are...
The author explains that National Council for Human Rights should take into consideration all issues related to human rights not only the issue of torture. The new council has to give adequate attention to all types of human rights such as the right to have pure food, the right to a useful...
The article is about the National Council for Human Rights. The author explains that Egyptians pin much hope on the new council. Egyptians are looking forward to regain a worth lost and a dignity curtailed before the official, political and security apparatuses in Egypt. The author argues...
Eleven organizations for human rights reported to the Attorney General the death of a lady named Nafīsa, in one of the Buhayra villages, following the abuse of a police officer called, Muhammad ‘Abd al-Hamīd ‘Ammār. The story triggered outcries from the people of Buhayra to all people of the...


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