Displaying 31 - 40 of 43.
Najīb Ghubryāl Najīb, President of the Egyptian Federation for Human Rights, has submitted a report to the public prosecutor, claiming that the President of the Islamic Center of Enlightenment was disdainful towards other religions.
Human Rights First organization said that the unified draft law on the construction of places of worship has made both Muslim and Christian leaders unhappy, rejecting the draft as restrictive and discriminatory to their respective religions. If the law is passed without serious revisions, the...
Najīb Jabrā’īl, the head of the Egyptian Union for Human Rights has called on Arab leaders attending the economic summit in Sharm al-Shaykh to place Christians in the Arab world on "the map of the general culture in the Arab world," as well as regard Christendom as an integral part of Arab culture...
Activist Najīb Jibrā'īl issued a memorandum to the Ministry of Interior requesting priestly names for sons of priests appear on their National Identification Cards, as their fathers no longer go under their old names so refusing to do so would be an obliteration of their identities. Negotiations...
Watani International reports on the incidents in Naj‘ Hammādī, listing the names of the dead and giving background about the threats reportedly received by Copts over revenge for the alleged rape of a Muslim girl in Farshūt. The article closes comparing the outrage over the killing of Marwa al-...
The author casts light on the issue of removing the religion field from the personal ID card and its effects on the civilian society.
Seven Egyptian parties submit a document to the government that includes a general framework for solving Coptic problems.
Al-Dawakhīlī critiques the Coptic lawyer Najīb Jibrā’īl who is involved in a number of court cases both in Egypt and abroad.
Najīb Jibrā’īl writes a letter to President Obama and representatives of 12 Coptic organizations sign the letter.
The lawyer Najīb Jibrā’īl has prepared a draft bill for a law that will allow Christians to adopt in Egypt.


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