Displaying 111 - 120 of 275.
Jamāl talks about Minister of Interior Habīb al-‘ādlī’s talks about the upcoming parliamentary elections and containing terrorism. Al-‘ādlī spoke clearly about the banned group and made clear that using religion in parliamentary campaigns is absolutely forbidden. He also criticized the Muslim...
The American Religious Freedoms Committee does not feel satisfied with the verdict issued acquitting the four Muslims accused of killing a Copt. They described the verdict as a reflection of the absence of justice in dealing with the violent sectarian incidents between Copts and Muslims which,...
Marina Ihab reviews Watani International colleague Nadir Shukry’s book about reconciliation sessions. In his book, Shukry documents 19 sectarian cases which have undergone traditional reconciliation sessions that resulted in the culprits being freed while the victims never receive justice.
An article on the new leadership of the Muslim Brotherhood and the latest crackdowns following the election of the new general guide Mohamed Badie.
On Tuesday October 27 clashes took place between Muslims and Christians in the village of Nazlet al-Badraman in Minya. The dispute erupted while construction work was being carried out on the church in the village. Two people were injured and13 Muslim men were detained following the incident but...
Dr. Musafá al-Fiqī asserts that Copts’ problems are about to be solved.
This article deals with the multiple examples of Christian harassment by Muslims in Egypt, as well as in Malaysia. The incidents of Nag Hammadi in 2009, and the murder of 21 Copts in the village of el-Kusheh in 2000 are compared. However, the attack in Nag Hammadi is different than others because...
This article summarizes the incident of Nag Hammadi on Christmas Eve, and the charges issued against the assailants. The three men who are charged with the shooting will go on trial on the 13th of February for a number of charges, a single one warranting the death sentence. The article also...
Jayson Casper responds to two articles in this week's issue about reports of expatriate Copts' calls for Christians in Egypt to carry arms to defend themselves.
A report on the riots which followed the killing of six Copts in Naj‘ Hammādī: The clashes occurred as mourners received the bodies of the dead from the hospital, and after burial services. Protesters in Nag Hamadi, about 40 miles north of the ancient ruins of Luxor, attacked a police station with...


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