Displaying 191 - 200 of 275.
The article summarizes the opinions of a number of experts concerning the way of fighting extremism and other destructive thoughts in society.
The author talks about the repercussions of the serious economic problems in Egypt, urging the government to solve these problems to protect youths from extremism.
Egyptians are no longer peaceful people, is the idea that Ramzī Zaqlama is explaining in his column in Al- Wafd. He attended a lecture at the cathedral were it was discussed along with Copts problems.
The author defines terrorism and determines its origins, in addition to discussing the history of the political assassinations that started on the Egyptian political scene in the 20th century.
The author argues that that managing extremism is a practical and achievable goal today, while the eradication of extremism is an unachievable target.
The author argues for the existence of a third generation of terrorists, and the features that distinguish them from previous generations.
The author comments on the latest terrorist attack on the Egyptian resort of Dahab, pointing out that such attack will not stop the course of reform and development in Egypt.
The author discusses the phenomenon of terrorism and tries to set criteria through which an act of violence may be regarded terrorism.
Terrorism, extremism, sectarian sedition and the rise of the Baha’ī religion are all the consequences of the diminishing role of religious institutions and political, economic and social factors.
Scholars from the Azhar rejected the opinion of the muftī that terrorists should be physically liquidated and called for confronting the problem of terrorism through an enlightened Muslim way of thinking.


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