Displaying 261 - 270 of 275.
At least 29 people have been killed in the Bechar region of western Algeria, in the worst attack on civilians since the election of President Abdel Aziz Bouteflika four months ago. In a 15 August statement, security officials blamed Islamist militants for the killings in Beni Ounif, saying that the...
A priest in al-Mahalla al-Kubra was attacked by an unknown person who stabbed him with a knife in different parts of his body. The priest was taken to the hospital. Before the priest went into a coma, he described the criminal.
The armed violence that was used against the Egyptian Copts aims at a lot of things. For instance planting doubt in the ability of the government to protect its own citizens and it is used against the whole country (Muslims and Christians) not just against a certain group only.
Despite press reports claiming the rejection of Al-Gamaa Al-Islamiyya to ongoing efforts by some of its former members to establish a political party, the would-be founders vow to move on. Dialogue is said to be taking place between leading members of several Islamist groups including the Gamaa...
Efendi Hajji Suleyman Rexhepi, grand mufti of Macedonia, a poor country that used to be a part of Yugoslavia and whose population includes a sizeable ethnic Albanian population most of whom are Muslim, expressed his dismay at the actions of the Macedonian police and army who have forbidden aid...
An interview between Rafa’t Al-Sa’id of the Tagammu’ Party (who is fiercely critical of the Muslim Brotherhood), and Saleem ’Azouz (the interviewer). He says: "A religious [political] party will start or directly lead to terrorism. I tell you frankly that politicization of religion or...
The Arab Strategic Report issued last week by the Al-Ahram Centre for Political and Strategic Studies argues that religion has little to do with the problems faced by Copts. Weak democratic institutions and human rights violations are the main reasons behind the problems faced by all Egyptians, be...
An interview with the Minister of Interior about the security situation; releasing fundamentalist detainees, fighting terrorism, the minister’s refusal to meet with the Muslims Brothers, the branch of the F. B. I. in Cairo, Egypt’s attitude to Britain’s refusal to extradite terrorists.
A summary of Dr. el-Bayadi’s Christmas article. Christ came on earth with a specific aim which is peace-making. Dr. el-Bayadi is the head of the council of Protestant churches in Egypt.
In the previous articles in Usbua reference was made to this article. The RNSAW found the text and translated it for its readers. Maurice Sadek is accused of demanding foreign intervention to protect the Copts of Egypt. Sadek explains his views.


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