Displaying 11 - 20 of 86.
  Jayson Casper previews the "Day of Wrath," a protest by Egyptian opposition parties that corresponds with Egypt's Police Day holiday...      
The article discusses the absence of the role of the elite in the Egyptian society.
Usāmah Haykal comments on Dr. Yūsuf Butrus Ghālī’s insulting religion in parliament.
Many social problems turn to take a sectarian dimension in Egypt. The reason is the absence of a strict application of the law and the reliance on conventional reconciliation sessions that do not treat the motives of the problems.
The National Democratic Party is being accused of practicing sectarian discrimination against the Copts and of marginalizing them from the political arena. Prof. ‘Amrū Hāshim Rabī‘ advocates for looking at the recent problems from a social, moral perspective rather than a religious and sectarian...
’One-Nil’ the movie is still stealing the limelight. The following lines present a review of a file published by al-Musawwar on God in the cinema.
The activities of ’Common Word; Theory and Application,’ an interreligious conference start today in Abu Dhabi.
The author laments the deterioration of Egyptian national sensibility by comparing the recent Shura Council building fire to the Opera House fire 40 years ago. He sees apathy and incompetence among the general population, the government and professionals.
In response to the story of parents bribing officials for their childrens’ exam questions, the author laments the decline of the Egyptian middle class and its values and the current acceptableness and ubiquity of cheating within Egyptian society.
In 2002 the Ministry of Education introduced the subject ’ethics and values’ into the curriculum, however in recent years it have received substantial criticism and now seems to be on the way out.


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