Date of source: Monday, December 6, 2004
Grand Imam of the Azhar Muhammad Sayyed Tantawi said the circulation of that alleged book of The True Furqan [a variant name for the Qur’an] is prohibited from a shari’a [Islamic law] point of view specially after it turned out to be a corrupt version of the Qur’an.
Date of source: Sunday, November 28, 2004
On November 19, the International Herald Tribune published an article by Amr Ahmad, head of the Council of Islamic-American Relations. The article entitled “Looking for justice for American Muslims” and it had been published earlier in the Boston Globe. The facts mentioned in this article arouse...
Date of source: Friday, November 26, 2004
U.S. expenditure in 2005, ratified by the Congress few days ago, devoted $19.8 billion for “external operations” with a major portion for winning the hearts and minds of Muslims and Arabs all over the world.
Date of source: Sunday, December 29, 2002
Citations from articles published in the Western press and from statements by American Christian men of religion expressing hostility against Islam. The author calls upon the Azhar and Arab media to defend the “threatened Islam.”
Date of source: Sunday, December 15, 2002
The Belgian Minister of Social Affairs was criticized for wearing a veil in an iftar celebration hosted by an Islamic feminine association. The minister wondered whether a politician would be attacked for visiting the Jewish community and wearing the Jewish cap. She added she would not have been...
Date of source: Sunday, December 15, 2002
The author quotes Western books and newspaper articles on Islam and Muslims in an attempt to answer the question: Who is behind the campaign against Islam? He ironically wonders whether it is Zionists or Satan who move the West against Islam.
Date of source: Sunday, December 8, 2002
Attacks upon Islam in the Western media is taken as a sign of Western democracy and freedom of expression. The matter has reached a point where the West is distorting the Qur´an through translation. Translations by German Orientalists are partial and not complete. Even some Orientalists who do...
Date of source: Monday, December 2, 2002
Some US political experts conducted a study about “The Psychological Aspects of Islamic Terrorism.” One of the ways to combat terrorism is to change the curricula and media policy of Arab countries. The Qur´an is among the aspects of terrorism. It is practically impossible to ask Arab...
Date of source: Tuesday, November 19, 2002
The head of the General Convention of the Church of God wrote to the author correcting the information he mentioned about the church. The former vice president also wrote to him about a vision of Egypt officially commemorating Coptic martyrs who struggled against the Byzantines before Islam.
Date of source: Friday, November 22, 2002
President Bush stated that the defamation campaign against Islam does not reflect the feelings of his administration nor the feelings of most Americans. Many Islamic and Arab organizations welcome his statement. The author believes that it is not as strong as the campaign and that it is the least...