Date of source: Monday, September 27, 2021
Ambassador Nabīlā Makram ʿAbd al-Shahīd, Minister of State for Emigration and Egyptian Expatriates' Affairs, congratulated Fr. Angelos Saad [Anjīlūs Mikhāʾīl Saʿad], pastor of the Coptic Orthodox Church “Virgin Mary and St. Athanasius Church” by naming the city’s famous Fallingbrook park after him...
Date of source: Thursday, July 22, 2021
Why do we often talk about Copts and the 1952 Revolution? Was the revolution at that time against the Copts as a religious sect, as if we still lived in the Ottoman confessional system? Was the revolution against the interests of the feudal and capitalist class of the Copts alone? Do we measure...
Date of source: Friday, March 12, 2021
Pope Francis’s visit to Iraq and his meetings with political and religious leaders is a powerful move by the pope to spread peace and bring hope to a country where there appears to be no limit to its suffering. However, the trip is also a powerful reminder of the trial and tribulations of...
Date of source: Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Prominent Dutch humanitarian activist and friend of Arab-West Report Henk Glimmerveen passed away on May 1.[1] In February 2020, the Maadi Messenger asked me to write about how I have changed during the years that I have been involved in intercultural dialogue.[2] As I consider my life, Henk...
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For decades now, Egyptian Coptic Christians and Muslims have been citing widely diverging numbers for the percentage of Christians in Egypt. In the absence of reliable, published data, the figures vary wildly, anywhere from 6 to 24 percent of population.
Date of source: Wednesday, October 3, 2012
The dossier of Coptic emigration has popped its head with each political crisis they suffer. The first wave of emigration to the United States, Europe and Australia had taken place after they were harmed by the decisions of nationalization and seizure of their property and lands by virtue of the...
Date of source: Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Some experts said other countries like Canada, Australia and the United States would walk in the footsteps of the Netherlands in order to help Copts to pack up and leave through facilities offered in the embassies of those countries in Egypt.
Date of source: Friday, December 7, 2018
During the interview hosted by the Saudi-Arabian based Arab News, the Coptic Orthodox Pope Tawāḍrūs II described the Crown Prince Muḥammad ibn Salmān as “a great man for a great nation”. Such a view as expressed by an enlightened and progressive Eastern Christian cleric might not have been clearly...
Date of source: Friday, July 6, 2018
The Minister of Immigration and Egyptian Expatriates Affairs, Ambassador Nabīla Makram, met with a French parliamentary delegation from the Eastern Christians Studies Group in the presence of the French Ambassador in Egypt. The delegation is currently visiting Egypt headed by the two French MPs...
Date of source: Thursday, February 7, 2013
As a minority within a state dominated by Muslims, Coptic Christians are regularly pictured in Western media as “the oppressed community”. Although a certain degree of discrimination is practiced against Egyptian Christians in their country, Arab-West Report has found that reports on cases when...