Displaying 1 - 10 of 234.
A researcher in the Faculty of Archeology of Cairo University said the Holy Family’s journey in Egypt is considered to be one of the most important events in history as it was based on a sacred revelation and divine orders.
On the first anniversary of October 7, 2023, the day when the “fuse of hatred was lit” that would begin the war in Gaza, Pope Francis of the Roman Catholic Church sent a letter addressing all Catholic Christians in the Middle East.
On Sunday, October 6, the eve of the first anniversary of the October 7, 2023 incidents, Pope Francis of the Roman Catholic Church reiterated his calls for an “immediate ceasefire” in the region of the Middle East, as well as the urgency for the release of the hostages detained in Gaza.
A Vatican initiative for Christian unity published a book to mark the fiftieth anniversary of a summit between Pope Shenūdah III and Pope Paul VI. The meeting was a milestone in the relationship between the Catholic and Coptic churches. 
The Catholic Media Office in Egypt announced the conclusion of a cooperation agreement between the Catholic Information Office in Egypt and the Arabic version of the Vatican News website.
Pope Francis’s visit to Iraq and his meetings with political and religious leaders is a powerful move by the pope to spread peace and bring hope to a country where there appears to be no limit to its suffering.  However, the trip is also a powerful reminder of the trial and tribulations of...
Dr Muḥammad Mukhtār Jumaʿa, Minister of Awqāf (religious endowments), received a letter from His Holiness Pope Francis, the Pope of the Catholic Church, on the International Day of Peace regarding cooperation to promote a culture of humanitarian peace.
Pope Tawāḍrūs II had a phone call with Pope Francis on Sunday in celebration of the Day of Brotherly Love held on May 10th between the Coptic Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church. 
Metropolitan Sirābiyūn [Serapion], archbishop of Los Angeles and its subsidiaries, stressed that there are different explanations to the statements made by Pope Francis about gay rights with some saying that these statements were made at different times, or that they were grouped together by the...
In this editorial, the author expresses his disapproval of Pope Francis’s recent comments on civil unions for gay people.  He writes as follows:


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