Date of source: Tuesday, December 5, 2006
Drs. Hulsman provides a detailed description of Muslim-Christian relations in Egypt, and a history of Coptic problems, stemming from their own actions and outside influences.
Date of source: Tuesday, June 24, 2003
Cornelis Hulsman and Michael Meunier first met on July 1, 1999. Meunier followed a very aggressive tone of questioning but in the end they agreed to exchange information. It was Hulsman´s aim to engage in dialogue. He sent lots of background reports the RNSAW had produced on July 7. Meunier...
Date of source: Monday, January 27, 2003
An announcement signed by the National Coptic Association in the US [translator: I added the US because the announcement is directed to “the children of the Coptic community in the US ] declared the founding of a Coptic satellite channel called "Americans for a free Egypt." Muslim and Christian...
Date of source: Tuesday, October 22, 2002
Dr. Nabil Luka Bebawi has written a book titled “Islam spread by the sword, true or false?” He explains that Islam is innocent of the claim that it spread by the edge of the sword. The Sheikh of the Azhar thanked Bebawi for his book and recommended that the book be translated into many foreign...
Date of source: Monday, May 27, 2002
Before President Mubarak´s visit to the USA, the National Association of American Copts, headed by Maurice Sadek, issued a statement claiming that Palestinian Muslims have no legal rights in Israel and that a group of Palestinian terrorists had attacked and occupied the Church of the Nativity...
Date of source: Monday, March 4, 2002
Sout Al-Umma reported that lawyer Maurice Sadek sent a man and a woman to the scene of the Beni Walmis riots to cover the events there. Sadek stressed that he did not sent anyone simply because the news agencies reported the riots at the time of their happening in full details.
Date of source: Monday, May 10, 2004
A Coptic group reached an agreement with American officials to establish self-rule for Copts in Egypt. The statement was released by the “National Coptic Association” that described the agreement as a historical step forward that grants the Copts their rights. Maurice Sadeq, [a Copt] who emigrated...
Date of source: Monday, February 9, 2004
The article is about attacks against Egypt in the US encouraged by Coptic immigrants. The author
argues that these attacks always intensifies in the periods that precedes President Mubarak
official visits to the US.
Date of source: Thursday, December 23, 2004
This report explains the escalations following the alleged conversion of a priest’s wife to Islam. Much background is given to the cultural context that explain why such an issue is so sensitive in Egypt. The report also shows that several of the organizers of the demonstration in Cairo have done...
Date of source: Wednesday, January 5, 2005
Expatriate Copts rejected and condemned what some newspapers published as a message from the National Coptic Society to Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon. The message requested Sharon’s intervention to solve the Coptic problem in Egypt. This came in a statement to al-Ahālī presented by 14 Coptic...