Displaying 81 - 90 of 135.
Pope Shenouda praised the state's maintenance of contact with expatriate Egyptians at the 'Nation's Sons Abroad' conference.
The Holy Synod makes a number of new decisions regarding the Christian Church in Egypt. Following, Munīr denounces al-Ahlī fans who portray the cross on anti-Zamalek posters.
Anba Barnaba, Bishop of Rome, talks to Watani about the Copts in Italy and those in Egypt. He speaks of immigration, integration, discrimination, and the Egyptian nationality for all Copts.
The Nag Hammadi sectarian crime which took place on Coptic Christmas Eve, 6 January, and which left six Copts dead and nine wounded, triggered wide protest and rallies by Copts in places as wide apart as Los Angeles, New York, Paris, Rome, Vienna, Athens and Sydney. Mary Joseph sent Watani live...
Jayson Casper responds to two articles in this week's issue about reports of expatriate Copts' calls for Christians in Egypt to carry arms to defend themselves.
The author reflects on the impact of the marches of expatriate Copts as a reaction to the Naj‘ Hammādī’s incidents.
The article deals with the role of the media in stirring sectarian fitnah.
Two days ago the Coptic community of Egypt witnessed a unique event. On Sunday, February 14, Valentine’s Day, a rally was organized downtown by over two hundred Coptic participants in protest over the Naga Hammadi killings on Christmas Eve and the subsequent handling of the case by the government....
The article reviews Nadir Fawzī’s advocacy of the Coptic demonstration in front of the White House and the meeting of six Copts in Canada with Bishop Yu’annis.
CIDT’s Jayson Casper meets Upper Egyptian journalist Nermine Ridā, who tells of the difficulties faced by journalists in the region, and her drive for rigorous journalistic integrity, in addition to commenting on expatriate Coptic reporting. Article full text: On December 15-16, 2009, the Center...


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