Displaying 91 - 100 of 135.
This article from the Huffington Post draws attention to Christians living in Muslim countries and states that American Christians are not doing enough to help their religious brethren.
Najīb Jibrā’īl writes a letter to President Obama and representatives of 12 Coptic organizations sign the letter.
Copts in the United States have broadcast their film protesting about the discrimination against Copts in Egypt.
Fashion designers are using the image of the Virgin Mary in their new designs. The author presents two controversial fashion shows and the cover of Mexican Playboy as examples. The Catholic Church condemned the use of the Holy Virgin and Playboy apologized.
A Coptic organization abroad rejects the violence against the innocent people of Gaza.
Christine Chaillotis the author of a number of books on Oriental Orthodox Churches. Her first visit to Egypt was in 1981 and since then she has visited the region countless times and feels that the Orthodox Church has become her spiritual home.
The key to encouraging people to respect other’s beliefs is education, believes Dr. Amīn Makram ‘Ubayd. According to him, state schools should promote the brotherhood of all citizens, not the followers of one religion above the others.   An ideal state school system should be non religious, but...
The author describes various positions on the demonstrations of Expatriate Copts abroad. Foreign countries, the Egyptian government, and the Coptic organization seem to be little affected by these demonstrations.
The article comments on Bishop Thomas who claims that Copts in Egypt are forced to isolate themselves, and stressed the need for action in appealing their cause.
‘Īd Labībstated that he has lots of things to tell Pope Shenouda when he returns from his medical trip abroad.


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