Displaying 51 - 60 of 67.
The author comments on the meaning of the hadith “Kill him he who changes his religion.” He states that this a right hadith but it does not indicate extremism nor does it mean that Muslims force anyone to join Islam. It has to do with the Muslim who renounces Islam. He comments on the conditions in...
The author interviews three Muslim scholars to comment on whether removing the veil is considered apostasy, especially since Dr. Sabry Abdel Ra’ouf has issued a fatwa in which he condemns retired artists who wore the veil and then removed it as apostates.
Comments on the fatwa of the head of the Azhar Fatwa Committee saying that any person who holds American citizenship, or citizenship of any country that fights any Muslim people, is an apostate
The term of “religious freedom” still triggers debate and disagreement. What about religious freedom concerning conversion from Islam and embracing another religion? How Islamic fiqh [jurisprudence] deals with rida [apostasy from Islam]? All these question and others are answered by the moderate...
The author argues that the punishment for apostasy is part of the terrorist political heritage in Islam. It is a result of political disputes that has nothing to do with religion. So it should be rejected and condemned.
Any attempt to re-read holy texts and present a new opinion is regarded as apostasy and a deviation from “what is necessarily recognized as part of religion.” According to this rule, thinking of a new interpretation of religion is penalized with death. I, along with other intellectuals, offered...
Al-Wafd reviews the main points of the all-inclusive revisions presented by theGama’a Al-Islamiya and its eight historical leaders. Before examining to what extent these revisions have contributed to the support of democratic development, Al-Wafd is providing an objective presentation of the...
The Islamic state? A contradiction in terms. Jihad? Far too much emphasis these days on military action. A requirement that women wear a veil? A quaint leftover from pre-Muslim times that is not mandated by Islam. These and other observations by Gamal Banna, an 84-year-old Egyptian author, have...
Neither Qur’anic verses nor hadiths [traditions of the Prophet Muhammad] have stipulated the period of time required for repentance or the methods needed for a man to acquire the spirit of repentance. In fact, the whole matter goes back to how grave a threat the ridda (apostasy from Islam) poses on...
Non-Muslims live in Muslim communities enjoying liberty; they keep their religion without being forced to hold another, and they share the duty of defending their nation. Then, what about the freedom of the Muslim himself? Could he change his religion, considering a tradition narrated by al-Bukhārī...


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