Displaying 101 - 110 of 723.
In response to a question regarding Sayyid al-Qimnīreceiving the State Award, Dār al-Iftā’ prohibits honoring whoever attacks Islam and the Prophet Muhammad.
‘Umar ‘Alam al-Dīn writes about preventing hijāb-wearing women from entering beaches in Egypt.
In spite of the bitter controversy created by Sayyid al-Qimnī’s honoring, some people have expressed their admiration for his ideas. Al-Qimnī expresses his views, and comments on issues related to freedom of expression and sectarianism in Egypt.
The Grand Imām Muhammad Sayyid Tantāwī severely criticized a preparatory school student for wearing the niqāb in class. The shaykh was accused of offending the girl and violating personal freedoms. The incident brought about heated discussions about the niqāb in public places. While some newspapers...
Father ‘Abd al-Masīh Basīt, Priest of the Virgin Mary Church in Musturud, comments on the case against him by Dr. Yūsuf Zaydān, the author of ‘‘Azāzīl’ novel.
Al-Dustūr reports on the recent decision taken by the court concerning Bahā’īs and Muslim converts to Christianity
Ahmad ‘Abd al-Tawwāb comments on the new trend to attack works of art by Muslims and Christians.
The article discusses freedom of opinion, and the restrictions upon this freedom. It highlights a new transmission draft law, designed to regulate censorship of satellite broadcasts.
The author discusses several issues surrounding the Abū Fānā monastery incident. These include the golden mobile phone presented to Hassānayn by the pope, the past conversion of an Abū Fānā monastery monk to Islam, and the opinions of Hassānayn regarding the governor of Minia and Ihāb Ramzī.
A Muslim convert reports on converts’ conditions in Egypt and Father ‘Abd al-Masīh Basīt of the Coptic Orthodox Church reports on the church’s stance.


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