Displaying 431 - 440 of 721.
Prominent sources in Ankara declared that there is an American plan to Christianize thousands of Iraqis in the north of Iraq. The sources asserted that the US is trying to control all Iraqi cities and at the same time exert efforts to help the work of Christian missionaries there.
The article is an interview with the director of the Aid and Preaching Center in Saudi Arabia. The director speaks about the activities of the center and how effective they are in preaching Islam. He also explains how the center deals with converts to Islam
The author believes that American missionary activities in the Arab-Islamic world are more dangerous than Huntington’s theory concerning the clashes between civilizations. He believes that to avoid problems between the Islamic world and Christianity because of such activities, it is better to adopt...
Time magazine published on June 30, 2003 an article titled “Should Christians convert Muslims? A new flock of missionaries has launched a campaign to take the Gospel to Islamic countries. But will they inspire more backlash than belief?” by David Van Biema. Sawt Al-Umma and Al-Usbua believe this...
An angry article in Rose el-Youssef on claims about kidnapped Coptic girls. Report on Christian missionary activities in the Islamic world and on how they mostly only create tensions and conflicts between the two.
Basing on the fatwa of Sheikh Dr. Sabry Abdel Ra’ouf, a lawyer filed a request to declare some artists who retired and wore the veil and later took it off as apostate. The author approaches those artists as well as religious scholars to comment on the fatwa.
The article is an interview with Sheikh Dr. Sabry Abdel Ra’ouf over his fatwa which judges women who took off their veil [hijab] as apostates. He states that women who publicly declare that hijab is not an Islamic obligation are apostates.
The article gives the second part of the text of the legal reasoning behind the ruling of the Administrative Court, which canceled the decision of the Azhar concerning banning a three-part religious book by Said Muhammad Hassan.
The Deputy of the Azhar comments on the ruling of the Administrative Court that canceled the decision of the Azhar concerning banning a three-part religious book by Said Muhammad Hassan. He says that Islamic Research Institute does not violate the freedom of thought as long as it does not...
The article gives the text of the legal findings of the Administrative Court ruling, which canceled the decision of the Islamic Research Institute concerning banning a three-volume religious book by Said Muhammad Hassan.


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