Displaying 411 - 420 of 721.
Members of the Creed and Philosophy Committee say that they are not new legislators and have not intentionally denied one of the fundamentals of religion, in an alleged attempt to justify their recommendation concerning the punishment for apostasy. They just want to terrorize anyone who thinks of...
The meaning of apostasy is not limited to renouncing Islam. A Muslim could be accused of apostasy if s/he suggests new thought that is contradictory to what has been set as rules ages ago. From this, the issue of freedom of belief is considered apostasy, which should be punished by execution.
The author believes that the recommendation of the Creed and Philosophy Committee in the Islamic Research Institute that the apostate is to be given a lifetime chance to renounce his apostate ideas is not a renewal in the Islamic fiqh. The recommendation has been made only because of the...
[The article of Muhammad Shebl in October, September 15, resulted in an article in the Dutch Daily Trouw] While Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a Dutch political scientist of Somali origin, received death threats because of her untraditional convictions about Islam, Egyptians discuss freedom of religion. This is...
The Qur’an does not order killing as a punishment for apostasy. Accordingly, scholars should not have taken into account the hadith saying: “Kill him he who renounces his religion,” because what the Qur’an says has priority over hadiths. In addition, the Prophet could not have said something that...
It is said a Muslim is not an apostate unless his heart inclines towards another religion. Because what is in one’s heart is known only to God, there must be conclusive external evidences to consider a Muslim an apostate. The article highlights these evidences and shows that death is the punishment...
The article gives a brief overview of some extremist books banned by the Azhar - which shows the role of the Azhar in resisting extremism. Some of these books formed a major reference for the Gama’at Al-Islamiya and Takfir groups [that accuse people of apostasy from Islam].
Dr. Sufi Abu Taleb, the former president of the People’s Assembly, clarifies the realities and advantages of Islam. He said that Islam has nothing to do with religious dogmatism and discrimination because it recognizes the other religions as valid. He added that it is unfair for Western researchers...
As usual, the report of the US Secretary of States for religious freedom in Egypt this year accuses Egypt of exercising religious persecution against the Christian minority. The US Secretary of State depends on emigrant Copts in writing its reports. Emigrant Copts have relations with organizations...
Counsellor Said Al-Ashmawi believes that the Shari’a is divine while fiqh is human. That is why fiqh can be modified and even rejected. He believes that Qur’anic texts should be interpreted within their historical contexts and in the framework of the reasons behind their revelation


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