Displaying 231 - 240 of 1160.
A yearly meeting for Muslims concludes in France with 50,000 participants   On Monday, the 32nd annual meeting for Muslims in France closed in the suburb of Le Bourget in Paris. The event lasted for three days and was organized by the Union of Islamic Organizations in France (non-profit). The title...
Permission given to build a church in Istanbul for the first time in the history of Turkey  Sources with the Prime Minister’s Council confirmed that the Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu has agreed to give a piece of land to a Christian tribe to build a new church in Yashīl Kawī in Istanbul. The...
A dialogue forum held by the Coptic Evangelical Organization for Social Services (CEOSS) in the Mediterranean city of Alexandria laid an emphatic stress on the need to activate citizenship as a non-negotiable principle for Egyptians to obtain their rights without any forms of discrimination,...
Translation and comments: Cornelis Hulsman The new Egyptian Constitution is not yet finished but Amr Darrag is now already proud. The Constitutional Assembly, which he chairs, presented this week the first version of the document about which the Egyptians, for the first time, have a say. “The...
U.S. ambassador in Cairo Anne Patterson met on Wednesday (October 10) with Coptic activists who spoke to her about the status of religious minorities in Egypt under President Muhammad Mursī, a few days after her meeting with Egyptian Shiite leaders who told her they applied for the Dutch...
Editor AWR: This is just an excellent article! The ‘Persecution Industry’ Paul Sedra describes is causing so much harm to Muslim-Christian relations in Egypt. It is deliberately distorting social realities in Egypt, taking problems that do exist out of context and with this they create fear among...
The salafī al-Nūr Party severely slammed Grand Shaykh of the Azhar Dr. Ahmad al-Tayīb for rejecting to provide explanations for the word “principles” in the constitution, urging him to issue a statement indicating why he insists on keeping Article II unchanged. [Hamdī Dabash, ‘Usāmah al-Mahdī,...
Muhammad Mursī was declared president Sunday after several days of uncertainty that resulted from a presidential election that exposed deep polarization in Egyptian society - those who favor an Islamist civilian president and oppose a member of the Mubarak regime were pitted against those who fear...
On May 14, 2012 the Center for Arab West Understanding (CAWU) discussed the results of its months-long study of Article Two in the Egyptian Constitution. These were presented publically at the Association for Upper Egypt, in the Ramsis area of downtown Cairo.


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