Date of source: Wednesday, October 4, 2006
This article discusses the manipulation of religious issues by some newspapers
in order to increase
their sales.
Date of source: Wednesday, October 4, 2006
This article discusses
sequestration of foreign newspapers in Egypt, in the light of the decision to ban three foreign newspapers
accused of offending Islam.
Date of source: Friday, October 17, 1997
SAT7 is also only concerned with broadcasting Christian material, but a number of famous Coptic artists have refused to have any relation whatsoever with the channel.
Date of source: Monday, September 29, 1997
Subtitle:- Some monks in
Saint Samuel’s Monastery broke into the room of a fellow monk and took
everything.- Did one of the
monks say to the bishop "I will tie you up and send you to the pope with my
thanks"The case of Monk
Gawargius al-Sa’omuli and goings-on at Saint Samuel’s Monastery.
Date of source: Wednesday, October 1, 1997
Further titles:- State’s Security Major Fouad Alam: The MB of today is not different from that of the 1940s and 50s. They have a secret cell which is ready to attack, they are just waiting for a chance.- Mamoun El Hudeibi: We will not change our thoughts and programs. We will remain as we are till...
Date of source: Wednesday, September 24, 1997
1- An Islamic preacher says on the Internet: Christians deceive Muslims by building churches in the form of mosques
2- A Christian Internet site called “Wild Christianity” specializes in attacking Islam
3- Internet sites for the books and essays of: El Karadawy, Said Kotb, Ibn...
Date of source: Friday, August 22, 1997
Christian organizations have continued their attacks against
Muslims, alleging that the persecution of
Copts is the most important human rights issue. This was alleged by an
organization called the Patriotic
Federation of Missionaries and came at the same time as many false accusations
Date of source: Tuesday, July 29, 1997
Subtitles: Prominent Copts refuse the American interference in their affairsGeorge Isaac; Take care, some secularist Copts are taking advantage of these reports. Dr. Rafik Habib: America is the last to talk about the human rights in the world. Bishop Aghathon: America is not a country of religions...
Date of source: Friday, July 18, 1997
Subtitles:Jehovah Witnesses are nothing but "a watch tower for hidden hands." Secrets revealed for the first time.El-Muslimun of July 18 is very sharp in its criticism of proposed religious freedom law, claiming that Zionists have been able to infiltrate several Christian organizations in the West...
Date of source: Wednesday, September 13, 2006
The Coptic Orthodox church restricts freedom and nobody is
allowed to express his or her opinion, to object or to disagree. Whoever dares to do so is expelled from the
and deprived of exercising church rites, which violates the constitution.