Displaying 1 - 10 of 76.
It is important to pay attention to the minority in Lebanon since the main effects of the events in Syria are about a shift in the political weight of power, and maybe a change in geography as well, given the discussion of division in Syria.
Strange and suspicious calls are promoting a so-called Abrahamic Religion, which seeks to unite the three divine religions of Islam, Christianity, and Judaism into one faith that would bring the Qurʾān, the Bible, and the Torah together into one book.
In July 2024, the Arab-West Foundation was elected Head of the Dutch Network of the Anna Lindh Foundation. They organized their first Dutch network meeting on November 25th where, among other things, they spoke about the need to contribute to peace-building in the Middle East. This applies first of...
This article presents a critical survey of Dutch media commentary on the clashes around the football match between the Dutch Ajax and Maccabi-Tel Aviv clubs held on November 7th, 2024, in Amsterdam. Excerpt: “While our people were mostly looking overseas this week, other countries are now focused...
Opinie: “Het probleem ligt niet bij ‘de Joden’ of ‘de Moslims’, maar bij het negeren van de rechtsstaat” Opinion: “The problem lies not with ‘the Jews’ or ‘the Muslims,’ but with ignoring the rule of law”  Hilla Dayan, Het Parool - 14 November 2024 Dr. Hilla Dayan is an Israeli-born political...
Representative Nadīm Gemayel stated, “Ḥezbollah’s profanation of pre-emptive wars has proven to be a failure, as seen in the war in Syria, and the repercussions of crises, displacement, and crimes in Lebanon.”      
On Sunday, October 6, the eve of the first anniversary of the October 7, 2023 incidents, Pope Francis of the Roman Catholic Church reiterated his calls for an “immediate ceasefire” in the region of the Middle East, as well as the urgency for the release of the hostages detained in Gaza.
On Saturday, September 28th, the Islamic Resistance Movement, or Ḥamās, lamented the loss of Ḥasan Naṣrallah, Secretary-General of Ḥizbullah, whom Ḥizbullah confirmed to be murdered in an Israeli attack.
In his weekly sermon, Pope Tawāḍrūs expressed his deep concern over the suffering caused by armed conflicts, emphasizing the need to end the war in the region of Lebanon and Palestine, while upholding the ideals of wisdom, humanism, and mercy.
Sheikh Aḥmad al-Ṭayyīb is the current Grand Imām of al-Azhar, a prestigious Islamic institution. Appointed in 2010, he has been a controversial figure due to his Ṣūfī background. However, he is also known for his moderate views and efforts to promote Islam in the West.


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