Displaying 81 - 90 of 934.
  A number of church figures expressed their trust in the unity of the Egyptian people, stating that they are not at all worried about the Islamic parties' sweeping victory in the parliamentary elections. What matters is what the member of parliament will offer for all Egyptians, stressing that the...
The first phase of the Egyptian elections witnessed major influence by religious movements. This became clear on the one hand in discourse in which the political and religious spheres became confused, especially after a rumor spread of the church supporting two candidates from the Egyptian Bloc [a...
Reactions varied inside Coptic circles regarding reports that the church has made election lists supporting the Egyptian Bloc and urging Copts to vote for it.
As all national powers had a firm stand to support Copts' rights in shaping the future of Egypt along with their Muslim brothers after all the seeds of division sowed by the dissolved National Democratic Party, Copts and the Muslim Brotherhood preferred to be in an alliance together in order to...
Human rights activist spotted election propaganda for the candidates of the Muslim Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) at the Abū Ismā'īl school station in violation of the law.
In Luxor governorate, a large number of Copts and women participated in the parliamentary elections that took place on November 28, 2011. Citizens were eager to participate with their votes in the elections. [Reviewer's Note: News story was also mentioned in al-Shurūq al-Jadīd, page 5, November 29...
U.S. Washington Post columnist David Ignatius, based on the interviews he said he had with many Copts in different areas of Cairo, said that Christians in Egypt are very concerned and haunted by apprehensions about the future.
On Sunday the Muslim Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice Party warned Egypt's ruling military council that postponing parliamentary elections would lead to another revolution. Delaying elections without putting the issue to a referendum would constitute a military coup, the party said. 
Five journalists affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) applied on Monday (September 19, 2011) competing for board positions in the Journalists Syndicate elections, scheduled for October 14, 2011.
The Muslim Brotherhood has warned Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan that his country should not seek to dominate the Middle East, despite his widely praised call for democracy in the Arab world. Erdogan was given a more reserved reception by officials of the Muslim Brotherhood, whose old...


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