Displaying 1 - 10 of 934.
The Egyptian Ministry of Interior announced the end of a plan aimed at reviving the activity of the Muslim Brotherhood and finding sources of funding for its terrorist activities.
Independent sources confirmed to al-ʿArabiyya (al-Arabiya) news channel that Turkish security forces summoned members of the Muslim Brotherhood, who were involved in violence in Egypt, for investigation.
An episode of the Egyptian Ramadan television series “The Choice 2 [al-Ikhtiyār 2]” has sparked controversy across Arabic media over its depiction of the break-up of the Rābiʿa al-ʿAdawiyya Mosque sit-in in Cairo in 2013.
During the last weeks of March, we witnessed a new development in the attempted thawing of relations between Egypt and Turkey.  Ayman Nour [Ayman Nūr], head of “al-Sharq” television network, announced that he had met with representatives of the Turkish government to discuss “toning down” criticism...
In this article, Egyptian researcher Dr. Kamāl Ḥabīb narrows down ten writings that he believes lay the foundation for using violence and explicitly call for it under the concepts of al-ḥākimiyya [God’s sovereignty], defending Muslim lands, and applying the sharīʿah [Islamic law]. 
A few weeks ago, Turkish authorities released an Egyptian terrorist sentenced to death in Egypt for his role in the Kerdasa [Kirdāsa] Massacre after detaining him for six months without explaining the reason for his detention or his subsequent release.
On Sunday, the summary proceedings court in Egypt ruled to confiscate the finances of 89 leaders and members of the Muslim Brotherhood and transfer them to the state treasury. 
Hours after Washington classified the “Ḥasm” Movement in Egypt and the “Wilāyat Sīnāʾ” Organization, which is affiliated with ISIS, as foreign terrorist organizations, the American State Department announced placing Egyptians Yaḥyā al-Sayyid Ibrāhīm Mūsā and ʿAlāʾ ʿAlī Muḥammad al-Samāḥī on the...
On August 14, 2013, the Egyptian government broke up the Rābiʿa and al-Nahḍa sit-ins after roughly six weeks since deposing the Muslim Brotherhood from power.  Afterwards, several of those participating in the sit-ins fled to Turkey. 
The history of the late Waḥīd Ḥāmid’s works shows that he was a role model for artists and creative types.  He knew, according to the title of his early film “Man Only Lives Once” (1981) that the intellectual’s intense struggle with power would bring an end to the stable life that he had wanted to...


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