Displaying 21 - 30 of 39.
The Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates said that under direct instructions from Minister Riyāḍ Al-Mālkī, Chairman of the Permanent National Ministerial Committee, the ministry is to follow up on the inclusion of the State of Palestine to international treaties and charters.  ...
Maat Foundation for Peace, Development and Human Rights, Partners for Transparency, and the International Alliance for Peace and Development are all participating in a joint mission to the 42nd session of the Human Rights Council, which will take place at the United Nations offices in Geneva from...
The Delegation of Egypt affirmed in the meetings of the 64th Session of the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights, that Egypt is committed to the implementation of the international conventions for combating human trafficking and the smuggling of migrants.
In statements broadcast by al-‘Arabiyya News Channel, the Speaker of the Yemeni Parliament Sulṭān al-Burkānī said that the non-implementation of the Stockholm Agreement on Ḥudaydah puts the credibility of the international community at stake, stressing that “The Ḥouthi Militias do not respect any...
The President of the National Council for Women Dr. Māyā Mursī flies today to India for attending the proceedings of the 25th Global Edition of the Annual Women Economic Forum 2019 held on the theme ‘Reimagining Societies: Reclaiming Humanity with Gender Equality’ from 11 to 16 April 2019.
British Prime Minister, David Cameron, stated yesterday that the U.K. intends to classify “Islamic extremism” as an ideology that is distinct from Islam as a heavenly religion. This comes in the context of the government’s response to the killing of a British soldier on the street in the U.K. (‘Abd...
Dr. Abd al- Hādi al- Qasabī, the head of the Supreme Council for Sufī Tarīqahs,  has called upon all political groups and institutions  in Iraq to unite and to reject violence and sectarian strife
In the Netherlands, the Council of State, or Raad van State in Dutch, the highest legal advisory body in the country, rejected a draft law banning the niqāb [Muslim female head-to-toe cover dress code] the government, which is in alliance with the ultra-rightist Geert Wilders, was planning to see...
Background: The Palestinian Ambassador to the UN and nephew of the late Yāssir ʿArafāt, Nāṣir al-Qudwa, is also the former Palestinian Foreign Minister and a member of Fataḥ. At an FPA press conference, al-Qudwa is asked to share his expectations of the UN, what they will do in regards to the...
Background:  On the first day of the 1995 United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders in Cairo, a press conference is given which outlines the congress’ objectives, key challenges in the fight against globalising organised crime and the conference’s preparation...


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