Displaying 31 - 39 of 39.
Background: On the closing session of the 1995 United Nations Conference on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders, a press conference was given to outline the conference’s results, key topics and important recommendations. Roeland Böcker works for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs...
Background: Dr. Buṭrus Buṭrus Ghālī, Secretary General of the United Nations, is addressing the European Parliament on the 50th anniversary of the United Nations’ founding in Strasbourg. His speech is mainly about democracy, European values and model and how the UN sees the future of the...
Background: The recording is of a radio broadcast for Dutch radio regarding Secretary-General Dr. Buṭrus Buṭrus Ghālī who speaks at the European Parliament about wanting to see more European countries getting politically involved in the United Nations. A fragment of the interview between Cornelis...
During a workshop held on Wednesday on “Freedom and Integrity of Egypt's Parliamentary Elections: Between National Legislation and International Principles”, Nabīl Hilmi, dean of the Faculty of Law in Egypt's University of Al-Zaqazīq said: “Instead of seeking the integrity of elections, one ought...
International Mission: Political parties did not conspire to modify electoral law   The Joint International Mission reviewing the Egyptian Parliamentary election has concluded that political parties did not cooperate to change election law and the legislation were approved by the Egyptian...
The Egyptian authorities must immediately and unconditionally release a detained blogger who has been on hunger strike for over a month, Amnesty International said today. The health of twenty-five year-old Maikel Nabil Sanad, who has been on hunger strike since 23 August, has greatly deteriorated...
The Egyptian press relentlessly covers the national and international reactions to Geert Widers’ film ’Fitna’. A young man in Saudi Arabia has made a movie to respond to ’Fitna’. He used shots that showed British solders filming Iraqis being tortured and simultaneously displayed Biblical texts that...
The article discusses Egypt’s recent appointment to the UN Human Rights Council. The authors wonder if it is a valid appointment, particularly when considering the fact that there are political parties within Egypt that use slogans that oppose the fundamental ideals of human rights and citizenship...
The European Court of Human Rights has condemned Turkey for violating article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, after receiving complaints from the owner and editor-in-chief of a monthly publication [Reviewer: no name given] about the government’s restrictions...


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