Date of source: Saturday, February 23, 2013
27-28 April, the dates of the first round of the elections, coincide with the beginning of the Holy Week and Palm Sunday, while the runoffs scheduled for 4-5 May clash with Holy Saturday and Easter, said Bishop Rafiq Gereish, the head of the Catholic Church’s media office.
“Didn’t the president...
Date of source: Sunday, January 20, 2013
al-Wafd reported on al-Marāshdah incident as well, where Bishop Kyrillos of Qena stated that the clashes resulted in the burning of three stores and an attack on six (‘Abd al-Wahāb Sha’bān, al-Wafd, Jan. 20, p. 8). Read original text in Arabic
Date of source: Monday, January 7, 2013
Under the title “The Coptic Evangelical and Orthodox Churches celebrate Christmas without the Muslim Brotherhood”, al-Wafd reports that both Egyptian Churches had received congratulatory phone call from President Mursī, while a number of public figures came personally to attend the Christmas masses...
Date of source: Monday, May 18, 2015
Ambassador Rakhā Ahmad Hassan, member of the Egyptian Council for Foreign Relations, emphasized that countries which had expressed criticism former president Muhammad Mursī’s death sentence are meddling in Egypt’s internal affairs. He clarified that 90% of European countries had gotten rid of the...
Date of source: Saturday, April 11, 2015
TV presenter Ahmad Mūsā said that during Mursī’s rule, the former president had ordered Muhammed Ibrāhīm, Minister of Interior at the time, to arrest al-Sīsī who was the Minister of Defense under his mandate. Mūsā added that Ibrāhīm informed al-Sīsī of the former president’s request, which made him...
Date of source: Saturday, July 4, 2015
ʿAbūd al-Zamr, leader of the al-Jāmʿa al-Islāmiyya, accused former President Mursī and Judge ʿAdlī Mansūr, former President in the transitional period after the June 30 revolution, of being the cause of the deterioration of the situation in Egypt. He stated this on his Twitter page.
(4 July, al-...
Date of source: Saturday, September 5, 2015
Between September 1 and 6 an Egyptian non-government delegation visited the Netherlands. The Reformatorisch Dagblad interviewed Emad Awny, the Coptic member of this group, and asked about the position of Christians in Egypt today.
Date of source: Thursday, August 27, 2015
In accordance with scheduled sessions to listen to witnesses in the trial of ousted Morsi, the Cairo Criminal Court listens today to the witness, Maj. Gen. Mohammad ´́Amru Wahbi, Chairman of the Administrative Control Authority ACA.
Date of source: Thursday, September 13, 2012
President Dr. Muhammad Mursī denounced offending the Prophet Muhammad and stressed in a presidential statement that the Egyptian people, Muslims and Christians, reject the discrediting of religious symbols.
Date of source: Saturday, September 1, 2012
Egyptian Church expressed their relief for the sppointment of presidential advisors consisting of four advisors and 17 members of the consulting body to President Muhammad Mursī.