Displaying 131 - 140 of 191.
  The National Council for Women submits proposal to get women into leadership roles  At a UNESCO conference called “Freedom of the Press in the World Today” Egyptian Ambassador Mīrfat al-Tālawī said that for her, the value of the conference lies in getting  to know the challenges facing women in...
The Pope received the Governor of Alexandria, Gen. Tāriq al- Mahdī, to congratulate him on the occasion of Epiphany (Sarhān Sinārah and Ahmad Sālim, al-Akhbār, Jan. 20, p. 7). Read original text in Arabic.
Counselor Mahmūd Mikī, Vice-President, met with representatives of Coptic movements to listen to Coptic problems in an attempt to develop a real national harmony. The Vice-President promised to study these problems in his meeting with three Coptic movements, namely: Maspero Youth Union, Copts...
Field Marshal Muhammad Husayn Tantāwī, Chairman of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) endorsed an announcement of public morning in Egypt over the death of Coptic Orthodox Pope Shenouda III, who passed away this week at the age of 89. [Walā’ Wahīd, al-Wafd, March 20, 2012] Read text in...
 No matter what successes Prime Minister Essam Sharaf achieves together with his cabinet, he will always be discredited for underestimating public memory—a memory by no means poor. With that memory alertly registering details big and small on the Egyptian arena, Dr Sharaf has miserably failed. The...
Hundreds of Copts yesterday continued their strike outside the official TV building for the third day on Cairo Nile Corniche over recent sectarian violence, as revolutionaries are planning a march in support of national unity on Friday. The message of the march will be that Muslims and Christians...
While some Egyptian Christians - angry over deadly sectarian clashes in Imbābah - called for international protection for Copts, others slammed such a call as being alien to patriotism. Some Copts argue that the Egyptian authorities cannot protect them from attacks by other Egyptian sects. Other...
The Egyptian Coptic Church rang its bells and celebrated its first feast after the revolution in the mass for the Resurrection feast . At the same time, security forces secured churches from anything that might distort the Copts' celebrations. In the Coptic Orthodox Cathedral Resurrection Mass,...
Coptic Orthodox Pope Shenouda III met with Ahmad Diyā’ al-Dīn, al-Minya governor. A source from the papal seat stated that they discussed the crisis of the new Maghāghah bishopric and that the governor was keen that Copts are not subject to persecution, but he must implement the law. For his part,...
The crisis of Maghāghah in relation to the inflexibility of the bishopric and the governor appears to have no end.    


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