Displaying 171 - 180 of 191.
The Christian Post reports on Coptic Parliament members and ministers.
Watani International comments on its most recent book, ’ Sadat in the memory of Copts: Days of pain and triumph.’ The book was written by Robeir al-Faris. The book is divided into eight chapters and looks at the development of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt as well as the Nāsir years before...
The author sheds light on the conflict between General Majdī Ayyūb of Qina and Bishop Kyrillos of Naj‘ Hammādī.
Counsellor Najīb Jibrā’īl confirms that he will proceed with the lawsuit filed against the governmental institutions involved in changing the name of the village of Abū Hinnis as long asofficial documents are issued carrying the new name.
The Washington Post publishes a report attributing the Egyptian parliamentary decision to slaughter all pigs to sectarian reasons.
The author comments on President Mubārak’s Easter message to expatriate Copts, he mentions the effect that the message had on Egyptian people within Egypt’s borders.
This article discusses the fluctuating two faced relationship between the church and expatriate Copts. Although the church seeks to strengthen the role played by expatriate Copts abroad, it, at the same time, puts on the mask of being the calming force between the state and expatriate Copts in...
A Coptic lawyer sues the minister of interior and the head of the Civil Status Department for refusing to recognize the church testimony in the case of the Christian converts to Islam who re-embraced Christianity and want to prove it on their official documents.
Missionary activities can often cause heated debates amongst religions around the world. In this report Shaymā’ Abū al-Khayr and Sharīf al-Dawākhilī analyze the situation in Egypt from both the Muslim and Christian sides.
Victor Salama describes the pope’s recent trip to the U.S where he underwent surgery on his leg.


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