Displaying 1 - 10 of 25.
The life of the Afghan woman has changed considerably over the past few decades. In the past, women had equality, voting rights, and legal protections, polygamy was not permitted, weddings were reserved for girls over the age of 21, and while traditional attire was the norm, some women preferred to...
The Egyptian women aspire to participate in the national dialogue to speak up about their problems and their proposals to reform legislation, policies, and procedures that limit their freedoms and their access to resources and opportunities available in society. Moreover, they aim to focus on...
Maryam remembers herself and her female classmates sitting on the school benches when they were no older than four or five, but in the nineties, they lost years of education during the rule of the Taliban [Ṭālibān]. In the opinion of the young woman of Afghanistan, the same situation is returning...
Heya Masr [Hiya Miṣr] is a non-profit organization that helps women and children in Egypt. Their mission is to empower Egyptian women by building their self-confidence and helping to develop themselves mentally and physically. They help girls and boys from six to 18 years old by providing a safe...
Idrāk [Edraak] Foundation for Development and Equality released a report about violent crimes against women in Egypt, which indicated an increase in violence against women in 2020 as a result of the Coronavirus.
Google celebrated the 141st birthday of Hudā Shaʿarāwī, who was responsible for beginning the women’s liberation movement in Egypt and who was born on June 23, 1879 in al-Minya governorate. Shaʿarāwī has made a great history in the feminist movement in Egypt.
The first Arab conference for women’s health is to be held in Cairo to discuss the promotion of women’s health concerns with a view to meeting the 2030 sustainable development goals. The conference will run from 11th- 12th September 2019, and will be attended by the Arab Administrative Development...
Dr. Kamāl Jād Shārūbīm, Governor of Daqahliyya, met today with the representative of the United Nations Populations Fund (UNFPA), Dr. Aleksandar Bodiroza. A meeting was convened to discuss cooperation between UNFPA and the Daqahliyya governorate on three main matters, namely: the unmet need for...
The 1st Women’s Empowerment Forum was opened in Egypt’s Public Library in presence of al-Isma’līa Governor Hamdī ‘Othmān along with a large group of MPs, secretaries of ministries and executive leaders in al-Isma’līa governorate.   
The New York Times reviewed the life story of Doria Shafik [Durriyā Shafīq] who led Egypt’s women’s liberation movement in the mid-1940s; she is the founder of a feminist organization, and earned a doctorate in philosophy from the Sorbonne University. Shafīq was also the editor-in-chief of two...


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