AWR Quarterly Newsletter - July 2018

Sent On: 
Wed, 2018-07-04
Newsletter Number: 

1) Honoring Father Dr. Giuseppe Scattolin for his work on Sufism

May 15, 2018 ​

Father Scattolin, has truly dedicated his entire life to Sufism and interreligious dialogue. He has lectured in Egypt and in many countries around the world. He has also written much about Sufism, and plays a major role in a deeper understanding of Sufism.

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2) Ramadan Kareem, SEKEM, Internships and Summer School

May 16, 2018

Mariam Mūsā, a Swiss journalism intern from the University of Geneva, wrote a beautiful article about SEKEM and Heliopolis University for Sustainable Development and also wrote about her experiences of interning with CAWU.

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3) Solar Energy is the solution for Egypt

May 20, 2018

The challenges Egypt is facing are huge. Hans P. Bienfait wrote about a discussion of the Dutch liberal party, VVD on North Africa, The main question was what the Arab Spring brought for these countries?

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4) Engaging blasphemy in Islam

May 24, 2018

Matthew Anderson defended on May 22 at Georgetown University his dissertation entitled, “Prohibited Speech and the Sacred: Critically and Constructively Engaging Taqī al-Dīn al-Subkī’s (d.1355) al-Sayf al-maslūl ‘alā man sabba al-rasūl.”

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5) Please Come Over and Help

June 13, 2018

CIDT and CAWU need your support to continue their work. German organization Misereor decided not to continue support for CIDT after July 1, 2019. The deaconry of the Christian Reformed Church in The Hague, the Netherlands, recently decided to support their work with 3000 Euro per year for a period of three years.

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6) Wishing our Muslim friends a blessed Eid

June 14, 2018 

A month-long of fasting has come to an end. After Ramadan, Muslims celebrate Eid al-Fitr, a period of three days that people in Egypt will use to visit families and friends or take a holiday.

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7) Reforming Religious Discourse as a Way of Combating Terrorism

June 21, 2018

The Anglican Diocese of Egypt is hosting with the Center for Arab-West Understanding a lecture by Archbishop George Carey about the subject “Reforming Religious Discourse as a Way of Combating Terrorism.”

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8) CAWU Interns Interview H.E. Amr Moussa

June 25, 2018

Nadeem Ahmed Moonakal and Youssef el-Banna, both are research interns at CAWU,  we were able to meet with H.E. Amr Moussa and to interview him.

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