!! Due to current difficulties in Cairo no new articles available !! (Thu Feb. 3rd, 2011)

Dear Readers,

due to the current political and social unrest the internet is completely switched off in Cairo and thus no new contributions to articles weeks can be made today as the AWR office in Maadi is also cut off from the internet.

We will keep you informed about current developments as soon as we can access the internet again.

We desperately hope and pray that the process of change will be fruitful and can be attained without more sacrifices in human lives.

Today (Thu.) the situation escalated in the streets by different factions fighting desperately and brutally against each other. We hope the Egyptian public will be able to continue on the road to a peaceful change and not be intimidated by the forces wishing to create havoc.

Dieter Mueller-Ehrhard, Darmstadt Germany

(IT consultant)