List of editorials created before week 19/2010
(click on title to view editorial)
Year | Week | Title | Article summary |
2006 | 28 | 1. Editorial |
Comment and analysis on Pope Benedict XVI using a quote of a Byzantine empero |
2006 | 27 | 1. Editorial |
Egyptian press showing struggles in how to deal with rumors and emotions. |
2006 | 26 | 1. Editorial |
Rev. |
2006 | 25 | 1. Editorial |
American stereotypical images about Islam. |
2006 | 24 | 1. Editorial |
Discussion about the hijāb. |
2006 | 23 | 1. Editorial |
On the war in Lebanon, the bias towards Israel and the Israeli version of con |
2006 | 22 | 1. Editorial |
The importance and ideas of CIDT. |
2006 | 21 | 1. Editorial |
Article presenting background about the relations between state and church in |
2006 | 20 | 1. Editorial |
Articles following the visit of Prof. van Agt. |
2006 | 19 | 1. Editorial |
Articles following the visit of Prof. Andreas van Agt. |
2006 | 18 | 1. Editorial |
Deepening dialogue between the Islamic world and the West. |
2006 | 17 | 1. Editorial |
AWR Polemics Report aims to create understanding and to reduce tensions in Eg |
2006 | 16 | 1. Editorial |
An article that challenges the idea that democracy is a Western concept. |
2006 | 15 | 1. Editorial |
Father Matta al-Maskīn, spiritual father of the Monastery of St. |
2006 | 14 | 1. Editorial |
Comment on Dan Brown’s misleading ‘The Da Vinci Code’, widely seen as an atta |
2006 | 13 | 1. Editorial |
A report on Muslim-Christian relations, presented by Episcopal Bishop Munīr i |
2006 | 12 | 1. Editorial |
Meeting with an Egyptian official to discuss the application for NGO status.< |
2006 | 11 | 1. Editorial |
Five–day visit of Prof. Dr. |
2006 | 10 | 1. Editorial |
Examples that show how quickly rumors are spread in Egypt. |
2006 | 9 | 1. Editorial |
Program of the visit of former Dutch prime minister Andreas van Agt to AWR. |
2006 | 8 | 1. Editorial |
Discussion at the AUC about news ethics and objectivity, moderated by Drs. |
2006 | 7 | 1. Editorial |
Discussion on “Freedom of expression and respect for ‘the other’ How to respo |
2006 | 6 | 1. Editorial |
Articles that examine the reasons for the success of political Islam. |
2006 | 5 | 1. Editorial |
Incidents around the Coptic Orthodox Church of al-Udaysāt. |
2006 | 4 | 1. Editorial |
CIDT organizes a discussion on the subject “Freedom of expression and respect |
2006 | 3 | 1. Editorial |
Articles showing examples of the ongoing polarization between Israel and the |
2006 | 2 | 1. Editorial |
AWR’s input in discussions about Muslim-Christian relations in Egypt. |
2006 | 1 | 1. Editorial |
Claims of conversions and kidnapped Christians girls in Egypt. |
2005 | 53 | 1. Editorial |
German scholar Dr. |
2005 | 52 | 1. Editorial |
Ongoing discussions on conversions of Christians to Islam. |
2005 | 51 | 1. Editorial |
Comments from Arab media about the Danish cartoons and responses of a Danish |
2005 | 50 | 1. Editorial |
Coptic author Magdi Khalil claims that several international human rights ass |
2005 | 49 | 1. Editorial |
AWR participation in conferences and discussions on the Danish cartoons. |
2005 | 48 | 1. Editorial |
Offensive cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad in a Danish newspaper. |
2005 | 47 | 1. Editorial |
Attention for AWR work: network building. |
2005 | 46 | 1. Editorial |
Report on the riots in Alexandria and the way Coptic and Christian media is r |
2005 | 45 | 1. Editorial |
Efforts to obtain NGO status. Media attention for AWR work. |
2005 | 44 | 1. Editorial |
AWR is still dealing with the ongoing postponement of obtaining an NGO status |
2005 | 43 | 1. Editorial |
Understanding honor and shame in the Egyptian and Arab context resulting in m |
2005 | 42 | 1. Editorial |
Articles that give a good insight into some frequent misunderstandings in Ara |
2005 | 41 | 1. Editorial |
Differences of thought within the al-Banna family; from Muslim Brotherhood to |
2005 | 40 | 1. Editorial |
Media attention for AWR work. |
2005 | 39 | 1. Editorial |
Introduction of the new AWR format and the first phase of the website |
2005 | 38 | 1. Editorial |
Discussions in Arab media on interpretation of the Islamic sharīa. |
2005 | 37 | 1. Editorial |
Comments and discussions on conversions. |
2005 | 36 | 1. Editorial |
The Brotherhood’s middle-class composition and capitalist, right-wing economi |
2005 | 35 | 1. Editorial |
Explanation of the AWR situation concerning the NGO status and establishing C |
2005 | 34 | 1. Editorial |
Egypt’s Mufti Dr. |
2005 | 33 | 1. Editorial |
Difficulties in obtaining NGO status and establishing CIDT. |
2005 | 32 | 1. Editorial |
Muslims responding to terrorism, following the attacks in London and Sharm al |