Egypt's Foreign Policy in New Realities

Date of source:
28 Apr 2014
Many of you know Minister Fahmy from his nine years as ambassador to Washington, 
from 1999 to 2008. He is a native New Yorker, having been born there when his father was 
serving as a diplomat at the U.N. He had a distinguished career in the Egyptian foreign service, 
serving not only as a nonproliferation expert, but also as Egypt’s ambassador to Japan before he 
came to Washington. He was the founding dean of the School of Global Affairs and Public 
Policy at the American University in Cairo. He came out of retirement for a second career, or 
whatever it was, to become Egypt’s foreign minister about nine months ago. He is a graduate of 
the American University in Cairo with a background in both math and physics, so he’s smarter 
than almost all of us, and then got a master’s in management. I’m pleased to welcome Minister 
Nabil Fahmy. (Applause.)
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