Facts and figures

Facts and figures (January 1, 2011)
ISSN: 2210-3597
Arab-West Report (AWR) is an independent weekly electronic journal published online at www.newspiritz.eu/awr1, which includes Arab-West papers, summary translations of Arabic newspaper articles into English, and access to a complete electronic database that has been built since 1997.
AWR’s main focus is on education for peace, intercultural dialogue and understanding, and continuous analysis of Arab-West relations. The database of AWR, called Electronic Documentation Center, is developed to find rapid context to issues reported in media that often lack such context.
AWR main characteristics
  • Content: 98% OWN material, not taken from other sources.
  • English reviews of Arab media (texts following our media watch criteria), mainly Egyptian, according to strict selection material: Our current number of articles totals 25,123. Arabic source articles available in hard copy. Placement in soft copy on our website since 1.1.2008
  • Selection criteria (here): Arab-West relations, role of religion in contemporary Egyptian society, Muslim-Christian relations, Islam, Christianity in the Arab world with a strong focus on Egypt.
  • Strong assets not available in other databases including contemporary Muslim-Christian relations in Egypt, media reviews, and investigative research into tensions.
  • Special reports including own investigative reporting in subjects discussed in media, interviews, and analyses, among others (1,134 reports total).
  • In-depth papers written by students specialized in Arab-West relations, reviewed by academics, since 2007 (26 reports total)
  • Transliteration of Arabic names following Library of Congress.
  • Please see our letters of recommendation.
AWR main Facts and Figures
  • Names of people with detailed record in the database listed more than 4 times: 2,194. Over these there are an additional estimated 19,000 distinct names mentioned once to three times in our database.
  • Names of organizations mentioned in the database: 3,490
  • Locations in Egypt mentioned in the database 1,214
  • Book reviews and references to books in the database: 1,315
  • Biographies: 6
  • Gallery: hundreds of photos from relevant events and peoples involved.
  • Tens of Youtube productions
We are working on linking locations in Egypt to one or more online maps.
AWR main Database Features
  • Database built on a drupal platform, accessible by unique AWR-classification system
  • Using transliteration of Arabic names based on but not similar to the Library of Congress transliteration system.
  • Creation of own indexation system based on Dewey classification system (all articles indexed until 2007)
  • Creation of name lists with standardized transliteration and placed in scrollable lists in order to facilitate search. These lists are accessible online since September 2010
  • Creation of a feature to place reviews directly online and classify them immediately
Our users
  • Students and interns since start intern program in 2006: 80
  • Academic institutions receiving Arab West Report on a regular basis: 150
  • Subscribers to weekly Arab West Report newsletter: 736
  • Mailinglist: 3,108

