Displaying 161 - 170 of 965.
Reports about religious tensions in Egypt sometimes hit the headlines abroad first. On November 26 Hulsman went with a German journalist to Ain Shams to investigate claims of violent demonstrations between Christian and Muslim youth, in this editorial he explains the causes behind the incident and...
The grand imām of the Azhar has visited Lebanon, some sources see the trip as a sign of Tantāwī’s support for the politician Sa’ad al-Hariri.
The article comments on a report that appeared on the Islam Online website in which the grand imām of the Azhar, Dr. Muhammad Sayyīd Tantāwī emphasizes the importance of not granting Bahā’īs official legitimacy by recognizing their religion on their personal identification papers.
The author discusses Ambassador Khattāb’s comments about his article regarding the American Presbyterian Church’s interference in the Child Law. He also critiques interference of NGOs utilizing foreign funds in Egyptian governmental affairs.
The Evangelical Church devoted special attention to the role of women in the church in addition to different social and development activities that took place in the church.
The Episcopal Church in 2007: a visit to China, Iran and to Libya where two churches were inaugurated after four centuries of imposed absence due to political reasons.
A number of Coptic men have signed an announcement calling to cancel any Christmas celebrations in Egypt.
The author highlights incidents in Egypt in the last month that deal with religions and relations between Muslims and Christians, he believes that these incidents are representative of Egyptian attitude in general toward religions. He concludes by wondering if Egypt is going backwards.
According to the author, people have not paid a lot of attention to the lawsuit that the grand imām of the Azhar has filed against the editor in chief of al-Fajr because people did not believe that he would enter into such a personal conflict.
Khayrī Ramadān comments on religious persecution in Egypt.


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