Displaying 1 - 10 of 965.
Imām Fāḍl Sulaymān responded in 2018 to allegations of Dr. Hans Jansen on whether Sūra 2: 256, there shall be no compulsion in religion, had been abrogated. This discussion is essential since the verse’s abrogation is argued for by the Islamist extremists that Hans Jansen studied. This position...
In email correspondence. Imām Fāḍl Sulaymān responded to our earlier discussion about the Covenant of ʿUmar, also known as the Capitulations of ʿUmar since I was working on a paper on my correspondence with late Dutch scholar Dr. Hans Jansen (1942-2015).  Jansen argued that the code of ‘Umar and...
The Supreme Administrative Court delivered a final ruling that prohibits an ʾimām from delivering the sermon (Khuṭba) from the pulpits (al-Minbar) or delivering fatwās on social media, because of his extremism that goes against moderate teachings of Islam. 
As part of the relations of affection, love and mutual visits between the Christian clergy and the scholars of al-Azhar and the Awqāf, a large delegation of Islamic clerics headed by Dr. Ramaḍān Ḥassan, head of the branch of the World Organization for al-Azhar Graduates, professor and head of the...
The French Council Muslim Faith (CFCM) has officially approved a ‘charter of principles’ for Islam in France, which will reshape the affairs of the second-largest faith in this European country.
The Ministry of Endowments [al-Awqāf] confirmed that a video of Muṣṭafā al-ʿAdawī giving a Friday sermon [khutba] at one of the mosques today was fake.
Jābir Ṭāyiʿ, head of the Religious Sector at the Religious Endowments Ministry, revealed the details of Endowments Minister Dr. Muḥammad Mukhtār Jumaʿa’s decision to make ʿAbd Allāh Rushdī a legal researcher instead of an imām, his former position.
The Egyptian Ministry for Tourism and Antiquities decided to place transparent glass barriers around the pulpits of Egypt’s historical mosques. The Ministry took this step to protect the wooden pulpits (Arabic: Minbar) against theft and decay. The pulpit of the Sulṭān Abū al- ʿIlā archeological...
The religious discourse that Islamic political groups, like the Muslim Brotherhood spread, includes problems of adopting fatwas [fatwā] for political legitimacy and subjecting the foundations of democracy to historically religious concepts. 
The young preacher, ‘Abdullāh Rushdī, did not expect that his muscles and his interest in his physical build would be a reason to put him under investigation by the Ministry of Endowments and Religious Affairs and his exclusion from public speaking, preaching and giving religious lessons in mosques...


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