Displaying 291 - 300 of 965.
Sālim al-Sharīf writes about a study published recently by lawyer Ismā‘īl Turkī which tackles the legal framework of the Muslim Brotherhood and argues that lifting the ban on the organization needs a political decision.
Where did the term “Islamophobia” originate, who does it serve, who does it threaten, and does the West really fear Islam? The following article provides details to these questions.
A Pakistani Fatwá regards the vaccination against polio as Ḥarām because it was discovered by two American Jewish scientists who, according to the Fatwá, created the vaccination in order to negatively impact the potency of Muslims.
Critique on IGMF in Frankfurt saying that Dr. Hamdi Zaqzouq “defends the application of the death penalty for people who convert from Islam to Christianity” Emotional debates and sensitive stories on conversions in Egypt. The secretary of Pope Benedict expressing his fear about the Islamization of...
The article presents an overview of a group calling themselves the Quranists. Dr. Jamāl al-Bannā highlights the group’s stances on certain issues, their history, and what sets them apart from other Muslims.
Although the Muslim Brotherhood has decided to delay the establishment of their long-awaited political party, liberal thinkers attack its political platform, warning that it supports sectarianism.
al-Sayyid Yāsīn discusses the impact of what he calls the ‘jurisprudence of backwardness’ on the features of every-day life of Islamic societies. He believes that the impact of such narrow-mindedness in applying the Islamic Sharī‘ah affected almost all socio-political, economic and cultural aspects...
The article is based on an interview with the Islamic thinker Dr. Ahmad Subḥī Manṣūr, the godfather of Qur’ānis in Egypt.
Hibah al-Sharqāwī, the author, criticizes the Azhar’s Islamic Research Academy for practicing a form of intellectual terrorism when it claims the right to confiscate books not only with Islamic themes but books from all other fields as well.
Dr. Aḥmad Subḥī Manṣūr, the leader of the Qur’ānis, calls for removal of the Sunnah from Islam because it was recorded 200 years after the death of the Prophet Muhammad in a time when injustice, tyranny and immorality were spread amongst people.


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