Displaying 31 - 40 of 965.
A committee of intellectuals and religious scholars has been formed by Grand Imam of the Azhar, Doctor Ahmad al-Tayyib, to discuss the issue of the representation of the prophets in cinema, in response to the recent film, ‘Noah’. 
Grand Imam of the Azhar, Doctor Ahmad al-Tayyib, has declared at the first meeting of the Muslim Council of Elders in Abu Dhabi that they have a responsibility to resuce the ummah from its terrible fate that awaits them, saying that the da‘wah has been transformed by terrorists as a means to call...
Sheikh Ahmad Turk, head of research and advocacy at the Ministry of Endowments has released information regarding meetings conducted between members of the Salafī organization and the Minister of Endowments, Muhamad Mukhtār Jum’ah.
The Ministry of Endowments announced that only 3,300 mosques nationwide would be participating in the religious tradition of i’tikāf this year. Sheikh Muhamad ‘Abd al-Rāziq, head of the religious sector of the Ministry of Endowments, issued a strong warning to whoever tries to violate the rules and...
President Abd al- Fattāh al- Sīsī has issued a law that establishes Bayt al- Zakah (House of alms). 
Father Basilous, deputy of the Monastery of Saint Bola, and Father Pham Antoni and deputy of the monastery of St. Anthony in Nāssir City in Sohag donated 300 cartons of food containing large quantities of rice, pasta, sugar, tea, oil, to the imams 6 mosques in Nāssir City, for distribution to the...
Deputy of the Minister of Endowments, Shaykh Sabrī Ibādah, stated that the Ministry of Endowments has not received any complaints after Friday prayers yesterday, stating that there have not been any violations by the mosques’ imams, pertaining to the new preaching law that prohibits non-authorized...
The decisions taken by the Minister of Endowment Muhammad Mukhtār Jum’ah is controversial. They include prohibiting non- Azharites from giving sermons in mosques as well as imposing a fine on mosques that hang the banner of “have you prayed for the prophet today.”
 The Grand Mufti of Egypt Doctor Shawqī ‘Allām affirmed in a meeting with Shaykh ‘Abd al-Rahman al-Sudais, the Imam of the Grand Mosque in Mecca, the importance of Egypt and Saudi Arabia to security and stability in the Middle East, describing them as the ‘backbone’ of the region and praising...
The Council of Ministers has agreed in its meeting yesterday headed by Eng. Ibrāhīm Mahlab to approve the Bayt al- Zakāh draft law  after it is revised by the Council of State Legislative Department.


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