Displaying 181 - 190 of 731.
The regime certainly knows that arresting Ismā‘īl on charges of belonging to the Jihād Organization is a charge that the EU and human rights organizations will believe. Furthermore, the arrest is in line with the U.S. declared war against Islam.
This article presents an overview of an article originally published in Nederlands Dagblad. It focuses on the distorted perception of Muslim-Christian relations often presented in Western media outlets, and provides Drs. Cornelis Hulsman’s responses to many of these claims.
A former member of the Muslim Brotherhood and controversial Islamic figure, Dr. ‘Abd al-Sabūr Shāhīn discusses various political, religious and social issues. He denies any discrimination against Copts and accuses the U.S. of inciting Copts against Muslims.
The release of Shaykh Nabīl Bakr is a good step toward closing the file on the Jihād organization.
The article talks about the accusation against the Islamists’ Lawyer Mamdūḥ Ismā‘īl as being the connecting link between the second man in al-Qa‘idah, al-Zawāhrī and the Jihād elements in Egypt.
International Religious Freedom Report 2006, released by the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor.
The shaykh of the Azhar asserted that he did not send any letters asking Pope Benedict to apologize for his remarks during a speech in Germany, and indicated that he could not judge Pope Benedict because the pope said that he did not mean to be offensive.
Al-Zayyāt, the author, talks about the philosophies of Islamic movements who have adopted violent approaches when dealing with the authorities.
While the government clamps down on the Muslim Brotherhood to allegedly prevent them from winning seats in the Shūrá Council elections, the outlawed group witnesses internal disputes.
An overview of the Secular Islam Summit held in the United States. The conference featured a number of speakers who supported reform within Islam as a religion and Muslim countries.


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