Displaying 211 - 220 of 731.
Time magazine reports that Osama Bin Laden’s second-in-command, Ayman al Zawahry, fled to Bangladesh and transferred al-Qa?ida activities to it. The magazine expressed its concern that Bangladesh might become the next target of USA military strikes
In this article, Hamdi Abdel Raḥmān, one of the eight leaders of the Jamā‘āt al- Islamiya who wrote the four books that renounce most of the ideologies of the Gama?at, speaks about how he came to join the Gama?at al-Islāmīyah, why the Gama?at resorted to violence and why they later renounced...
The author accuses fanatics of abusing university students? enthusiasm for Palestine and Saddam Hussein. He blames university professors for their inability of managing dialogue with enthusiastic students. He believes that the call for allowing students to express their enthusiasm is deceiving...
Al-Akhbar, al- Ahali, Sout al-Ummah and Sout al-Azhar tackled the reasons behind the distorted image of Islām in the West and how to correct it. The four papers agreed on the need for an Arabic-Islamic media capable of addressing the West and explaining to it the true Islām.
The Islamic Research Institute issued a statement declaring its rejection of associating Islām with terrorism and explaining the true meaning of Jihād in Islam. The Brotherhood member Dr. Essam al-Erian said that the definition the Azhar gave of Jihād went along with the Brotherhood’s...
The Brotherhood won 16 seats out of the 24 on the Bar Association’s board. Ragai Atteya, the government’s candidate, who they declared their support for, lost to the Nasserist’s candidate Samah Ashour, who won the Bar Association’s top post. Montasser al-Zayyat, the lawyer of the Gama’at al-...
The Sheikh of Azhar’s withdrawal of his call to Muslims to visit the Aqs...
From his jail in the United States, Shaykh Omar Abdel Rahman, the spiritual leader of al- Gamaa’t al-Islāmīyah in Egypt, issued a controversial statement, in which he withdrew his support for their initiative to abandon violence. This initiative was originally launched in July 1997.
‘Amir continues his criticism of the Twelver Shī‘ah and clarify that his attitude is merely religious and has nothing to do with political affairs of the Shī‘ah countries. He asks Sunnī scholars to give precise answers for certain questions about Shī‘ah doctrine.
Thurayyā al-Shahrī reveals ambiguity in the Western understanding of Islām, Muslims and Arabs. The West does not have a clear vision in this regard. Thurayyā stresses Arabs’ roles in clarifying these concepts and putting needed boundaries between the different concepts.


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