Displaying 231 - 240 of 731.
With the long confrontation between the two civilizations, Islam and the West, the two sides inherited deep-rooted ideas about each other. The Christian and Jewish West does not acknowledge Islam as a heavenly religion. This is the most prominent and dangerous idea inherited by the West....
The article analyzes the concept of jihād and demonstrates the difference between jihād and fighting in Islam.
The statements of the pope about Islam confirm “many often heard prejudices about Islam” says Prof. Wagīh, who is a member of the Higher Islamic Council of Egypt.
Muhammad ‘Alī Ibrahīm tells the story of the Wilmot Camp in America.
The author interviewed Rafīq al-‘Ajamī, one of the Arab Afghans who was imprisoned for four years on charges of carrying out the explosion of the Egyptian Embassy in Pakistan in 1996.
70 fanatics in Alexandria were arrested on suspicions of belonging to al-Qā‘idah. The Islamic group claims that they are innocent of the attempt to assassinate the author Nagīb Mahfūz.
In a Muslim-Christian dialogue meeting, the Grand Imām of the Azhar, Shaykh Tantāwī, affirmed that jihād in Islam is exclusively for self-defense and not meant for attacking the innocent. He stressed the need to rectify this Western misconception about Islam.
‘Amr Khālid is a young Egyptian Islamic preacher who has gained huge popularity in the Arab world in recent years. The author criticizes ‘Amr Khālid’s stance towards the Israeli aggression on Lebanon.
‘Isām Dirbālah, a key figure of the Jamā‘ah Islāmīyah, in this interview with al- Ahrām newspaper from prison through his lawyer, says that the Jamā‘ah Islāmīyah, which is getting ready to resume its da‘wa and social activities, is no longer in confrontation with the state and is strongly committed...
The leaders of al-Jihād discuss abandoning their ideology of domination.


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