Displaying 291 - 300 of 731.
The ignorance about Islam and Muslims, which now prevails in the West, did not appear suddenly after the attacks of September 11. Many things happened in the West attracting Muslims’ attention to the growing danger against Islam. Still, the Islamic institutions did not take any steps forward. They...
Sheikh Fawzy Al-Said is the mufti of a newly formed Islamic group called Al-Wa’d. He issued many cassette tapes in which he asks Muslims to join the jihad and fight against other foreign countries which he describes as "The anti Christ." He gave some fatwas demanding that Muslims who belong to the...
Interview about the opinion of the Coptic Orthodox Church on the attack on September 11 and the attack on Afghanistan. The bishop is criticizing Egyptian media and fears escalation.
Bin Laden and his terrorist followers, who escaped from Egypt, imagined that Egypt could be a stage for their malicious operations. Their first target was to strike the symbols of the state, the cultured and the intellectuals, and to create a moral dread within Egyptians. Their second target was...
In this article lawyer Montasser Al-Zayyat, the lawyer of the Gama’at Al-Islamiya, recounts the story of the Jihad against the Soviets in Afghanistan up to the terrorist’s operations, which were aimed against the people in charge and affecting the economy and security of Egypt.
The author expressed the opinion that terrorism was an aggressive act that contradicts the values of humanity. Therefore international society should consolidate to stop such aggression and to punish those who commit it. He observed that it was also a crime to accuse a nation, a group or a...
[The RNSAW received this text from Dr. Abu Zayd for placement in the RNSAW. The text was first presented during a conference in June in Berlin, Germany] Since the occupation of Egypt by Bonaparte in 1798 Muslims have had to address the issue of secularization. Some Muslim thinkers believe Islam...
Mullah Mohammed Omar, the leader of the Taliban is challenging the greatest power in the world. Is it imaginable that the helpless Afghans, without food, clothes and medicines, will be transformed into powerful fighters? He is doing wrong to the Jihad, to Islam and the Muslims by dragging them...
The author stresses and tries to prove that the Islamic world is not at war with the Christian world. He also expressed the opinion that the rulers of the Christian world should avoid completely any attitudes or statements that provoke Muslims into thinking that what is going on and what they are...
The imam of the Grand Mosque in Makkah (Mecca) called upon world leaders not to resort to violence in response to the terror attacks against the United States on Sept. 11. He also urged Muslims to differentiate between terrorism and legitimate holy struggle. He rejected terrorism as totally un-...


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