Displaying 331 - 340 of 731.
The author comments on the issue of the American intervention in changing the educational curricula, especially religious, in Arab countries. The US claims that such curricula is responsible for the hatred Muslims have for the US and that is why it is planning to change it. The plan is now...
The author condemns the crime of the bombings of Al-Mahya complex in Saudi Arabia. Citing some Qur´anic verses and hadiths, he emphasizes that terrorist actions contradict with Islam which prohibits killing innocent people. The author argues that the perpetrators of such crimes join the enemies of...
A young member of the Brotherhood presented a message to the group´s General Guide in which he asked “When will the real power of the Brotherhood come to light?…Where are the Brotherhood detachments?…When will the Brotherhood cry “Come to Jihad.” The message, which was posted on the...
The Grand Imam of the Azhar Dr. Muhammad Sayyed Tantawi told Israeli TV that martyrdom operations are haram [unlawful] and that the one who carries them out is committing suicide. The Grand Mufti, along with other 38 Muslim scholars, released a statement to prove the opposite of what the Grand Imam...
The author discusses many forms of religious discourse, stressing that its renewal is a must. He comments on the intervention of the US in this issue, saying that its proposals in that respect always suit its interests.
The author reviews the history of Al-Gama´a al-Islamiya and the ideological revisions it made which changed its approaches dramatically. The author believes that the past and present practices of Al-Gama´a lack analysis of the current state of affairs which should guide and control any...
Sout Al-Umma devoted a special file for Sayed Qutb discussing his childhood, professional life and opinions. Sayed Qutb was the main ideologue for Islamic groups in the 1960s. He is still often quoted.
Al-Gama´a Al-Islamiya has recently published two books: “Nahr Al-Zikrayat” [The River of Memories,] and “Tafgerat Al-Riyadh, Al-Ahkam wa Al-Athar” [The Bombing of Riyadh, Rulings and Impacts]. The significance of the two books not only lies in the presentation of the frank dialogues that took...
The tragedy of Salman Rushdi´s book "Satanic Verses,” and the ensuing fatwa to kill Rushdi, has reoccurred in Canada. A young Muslim author, Irshad Mangi, has written a book entitled "The Trouble with Islam." Mangi criticizes Qur´anic verses severely, isolates them from their context, and...
The author comments on what he believes is an American attack on Islam that started with the disaster of September 11. He refutes the argument that the Qur´an urges or allows murder.


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