Displaying 371 - 380 of 731.
For many years, Saudi Arabia imagined that terrorism which infected many Arab countries will never reach it. The Saudi Kingdom overlooked extremists living on its lands and the financial support given by Saudi NGO´s to extremists on the pretext of supporting Islamic activities. The kingdom saw...
The author approached many figures to comment on what she calls the American campaign against the Egyptian press and religious institutions. She reports that American papers accuse the Egyptian press of stirring up hatred against the US and rejecting the American policies in the Middle East. At the...
The author reports an incident happened ten years ago about an American Jew who was caught in one of the mosques of Assiut. He was recording the preaching of the sheikh and taking some notes because he was preparing an important study on the effect of the Friday Sermon on worshipers. The author...
Egyptian authorities released a number of leaders of the Jihad movement after making sure that they no longer have relations with Ayman Al-Zawahri, the number two man of Al-Qa’ida.
The author explains the meaning of jihad in Islam. He admits that some Muslims altered the meaning of jihad. He believes that one of the reasons behind altering the meaning of jihad is misinterpreting Qur´anic verses. Sura 9:5 is one of the verses used to support the idea of killing, “Then, when...
The author comments on the phenomenon of terrorism and political Islamic groups in Arab countries and how it is handled. He concentrates on Egypt and Algeria. He also comments on the latest attacks in Riyadh and Casablanca.
The writer gives an elaboration of the core of the true Islam and how preaching could be carried out in the right way. He supports his ideas through the Qur’an and Hadith.
The writer affirms that terrorism is a social phenomenon and not an attribute of the Islamic community – as the international media claims. He believes that terrorism is a product of the capitalist civilization that was then used by Islamic movements. He also states that terrorism is a futile...
The author gives his point of view concerning how to combat the danger of extremist Islamic movements. He believes that the alleged clash between Islam and the West is actually a clash between extremist Islamic groups and the West. He adds that such groups are also in conflict with all...
The author explains the true meaning of jihad in Islam. He believes that jihad, in the sense of fighting, is not confined to Islam. All countries and societies follow the concept of jihad as they all have armed forces and ministers of defense. He admits that some Muslims altered the meaning of...


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