Displaying 391 - 400 of 731.
The author criticizes Sheikh Youssef Al-Qaradawi for speaking about the Iraqi crisis, in relation to the Palestinian conflict, as a secondary issue. He said that Americans get Muslims occupied with the aggression on Iraq rather than with the issue of Palestine as they did before using Bin Laden and...
The author comments on two articles on jihad and the war on Iraq by Dr. Essam Al-Erian and Muhammad Ibrahim Mabruk. He believes that protecting one´s homeland does not need a religious text or fatwa. He adds that framing jihad in its religious dimension will harm other forms of jihad and will...
The author criticizes the fact that some religious concepts, one of which is jihad, have been taken out of their traditional and historical context and are applied in a completely different framework. Jihad in the past was declared by an imam who had both political and religious authority to...
There is a great respect in Egyptian schoolbooks for Christian religion, although there is only little information on its faith and life. There is excellent information on the early history of the Copts in Egypt, but almost no information about the Christian minority after the conquest of Egypt....
The author criticizes an article by Dr. Essam Al-Erian, a Brotherhood member, titled “Jihad by [engaging in] war…should it be a duty [on Muslims] in the war on Iraq?” He criticizes Al-Erian for associating jihad with war. This association gives the impression that dividing jihad into military and...
The British Home Secretary declared that Britain has withdrawn its citizenship from Egyptian fundamentalist Abu Hamza Al-Masri, head of the London-Based Ansar Al-Shari´a [Shari´a supporters] group.
Arabs are continuously receiving information that seems to indicate that the US indeed launched a crusade against the Islamic world. Some of this material originated with Christian leaders and organizations in the US and was misinterpreted in some Arab media. It is dangerous to continue feeding the...
The Supreme State Security Prosecution renewed the jail terms of 18 persons accused of belonging to Al-Takfir wa Al-Hegra group. On the other hand, the Supreme Military Court is examining renewing the jail terms of 10 defendants of a total number of 43 defendants in the lawsuit of Gund Allah [God...
The article gives a background about fundamentalist Muhammad Sharaf, who is responsible for the legal committee of the Jihad group and who has been seized recently by Egyptian authorities.
The author believes that the US aggression on Iraq makes Bush and Bin Laden similar. He believes that the aggression is much more terrible than the attacks of September 11. Both events are terrorist events that have no religious justifications whatsoever.


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