Displaying 421 - 430 of 731.
The Islamic Research and Studies Center, the mouthpiece of the Al-Qa´ida network, issued a CD containing a book titled “The Reality about the New Crusade.” Some Islamists say the book is a “legal justification” or a “passport” for the operations Bin Laden and his group executed or will execute...
The article gives an overview of German orientalist Annemarie Schimmel´s ideas about Islam and her efforts to convey the true image of Islam to the West.
Dr. Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd comments on the issues of conversion from Islam, fatwas of takfir [accusations of unbelief], human rights, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and the Islamic culture.
Muslim Brotherhood members who attended a conference held by the Bar Association on the Iraqi issue focused on criticizing the policies of the government. They asked the government to stop enforcing the Emergency law and to make a comprehensive political reform that allows Islamists to practice...
The Kuwaiti General Prosecution started investigating Samy Al-Metiry, who is accused of killing one American and injuring another in Kuwait. Al-Metiry said that he prayed to give thanks to God after he succeeded in shooting the two Americans.
A “repented” fundamentalist believes that Usama Bin Laden allows shedding the blood of Muslims. He gives as evidence the bombing of the American embassies in Dar es Salaam and Nairobi where 224 persons were killed, only 12 of them were Christian Americans.
People in the West do not respect our Islam, they do not respect our Christianity and they originally do not respect us. Such feelings create rage and pushes [youth] to these violent acts everywhere
A critique of the article of Dr. Zeinab Abdel Aziz by the AWR Board of Advisors consisting of both Muslims and Christians. Dr. Abdel Aziz has the full right to defend Islam and to critique Westerners and Christians who engage in slander of Islam but she should not generalize, take Bible quotes out...
The author argues that the concept of jihad does exist in Christianity and Judaism as it exists in Islam. She even tries to give the impression that jihad in the sense of killing and violence is not the basic form of Jihad in Islam while it is as such in Christianity and Judaism.
A presidential decree has been enacted to refer 43 terrorists belonging to the Jihad group to the military judiciary. The leader of the group made detailed confessions concerning the group’s terrorist plans.


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