Displaying 401 - 410 of 731.
The General Guide of the Brotherhood warns against the attempts of the US to control the world through terrorism and deception. He believes that the current US administration wants to smash Muslims and take over their lands. He stresses that the “flagrant aggression” against the Islamic umma [...
A professor of Mass Communication at Misr International University conducted a study titled "Actively engaging the media to enhance the image of Islam and Muslims in the US." He elaborates on how Muslims can improve their media to correct the Western image of Islam. He writes that Muslims should...
The recent arrest of Khaled Sheikh Muhammad, who is accused of being the mastermind of September 11 attacks, showed that handing over terrorist leaders to official authorities became a special kind of business that brings a lot of money.
Supreme State Security Court endorsed a sentence issued against fundamentalist Ahmed Abdel Hafez, member of the Jihad group, in absentia in 1992. He fled for more than 15 years and was later extradited to Egypt by Bosnia.
Investigations with members of Gund Allah [Soldiers of God] group showed that they were planning to bomb the American and Israeli embassies in Cairo. Some of them were able to enter the US embassy more than once with the claim of requesting entry visas to the US.
Egyptian security authorities arrested 15 persons members of a new group affiliated with Al-Takfir wa Al-Higra [accusation of unbelief and immigration] organization in Alexandria. On the other side, the Supreme Military Court decided to extend the jail time 15 days for two of the defendants in the...
One of the main objectives of Islamists is to apply the laws of the Islamic Shari´a. However, they never associate this objective with developing Muslims. The Shari´a and jihad are means not aims in themselves and any group of laws cannot alone change the society. Muslims are in a problem...
Bat Ye´or´s “The Dhimmi: Jews and Christians under Islam” is an example of polemical literature. The book, among other similar writings dominant in the West, shows that Islamic concepts are deliberately misrepresented in the West – which causes frustrations among Muslims. But much polemical...
The British government studies the possibility of revoking the British citizenship of Egyptian Sheikh Abu Hamza Al-Masri, who is wanted by the Yemeni government for involvement in lawsuits related to terrorism.
Suggestions for what Muslims should do concerning the fact that the West perceives Islam as its enemy because it rejects secularism and Western modernism.


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