Displaying 411 - 420 of 731.
Egyptian authorities arrested 12 of the Muslim Brotherhood leaders in Minufia governorate, claiming they were conducting an illegal meeting. This is the third time within two months that authorities arrested members of the group.
The article is the second part of a study by Dr. Rifa´at Al-Sa´id on the ideologies of Ayman Al-Zawahri, Usama Bin Laden and the Taliban regime in Afghanistan.
Dr. Youssef Al-Qaradawi says that the form of Islam needed for globalization is forged and thus rejected. He believes that it is better to use the word “non-Muslims” instead of “kufar” in the Islamic religious discourse.
The difference between the Israeli and Egyptian press in reporting news related to the Palestinian and Israeli attacks reflect the polarization taking place. A major difference is in reporting and selecting news and quotes. That is most remarkable in the way the Palestinian condemnation of the...
The military court extended the detention of five fundamentalist members of the Jihad and the Gama´a Al-Islamiya groups. On other hand, the Brotherhood decided not to nominate their prominent leader, Seif Al-Islam, in the coming sub-election in Cairo.
Egyptian security bodies investigate 14 members of the Jihad organization over the charges of forming a group with the aim of committing destructive activities and overthrowing the established regime. At the same time, investigations are conducted with members in Gund Allah and Hizb Allah groups.
The Russian Supreme Court banned 15 Islamic organizations from Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Lebanon, Kuwait and Pakistan to carry out any activities inside Federal Russia.
Considering himself a member of a moderate Islamic group, that is the Brotherhood, the author responses to an article accusing moderate Islamists of not being concerned about extremist organizations increasing in number because of Al-Qa´ida network.
Religious Affairs Committee of the Egyptian parliament will discuss with the Grand Imam what has been reported about changing the educational curricula of the Azhar institutes and omitting Qur´anic verses and hadiths that urge on jihad against Jews.
Egyptian Islamist Adel Abdel-Megied Abdel-Bari, who is accused in the case of bombing the two American embassies in East Africa in 1998, collapsed after he had been on a hunger strike for six weeks in Belmarch prison in southern London.


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