Displaying 351 - 360 of 731.
The Minister of Interior declared that a new Jihad cell of 25 members, including six foreigners, was arrested.
The author comments on the issue of jihad in Islam. He believes that Muslims need a new fiqh for jihad that takes into consideration changes in the relations between different nations.
The article is an interview with Dr. Nasr Farid Wasel, the former Mufti of Egypt and member of the Islamic Research Institute, about the status in Iraq and Palestine.
Vice-chairman of the Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs stressed that protecting faith is a sacred national duty in all religions and civilizations world -wide. He pointed out that secularists seeks to overstep religion, the Qur´anic text, and even the Muslim nation in order to pave the way...
The General Secretary of the Islamic World Association said that religious ignorance is one of the main reasons behind terrorism. In addition, extremism is explaining that religious legal texts are behind the confusing of terrorism with jihad.
Yenni Wahīd is an Indonesian Muslim who is taking a stand against fundamentalist Islam and warns of a potential threat to the world in Indonesia.
The writer discusses the future of the religious discourse in Egypt in light of the discourse of modern Islamic preachers. He believes their discourse is illogical and very superficial in tackling hot issues
Rose al-Yousuf presents the second episode in a series of the memoirs of Talāl al-Ansārī, a former Islamic extremist, on his experience with Islamic groups.
The article gives comments on the reaction of Abu Hamza Al-Massri towards the statements of Karam Zuhdi.
The author specified six principles, which he believes, Bernard Lewis based his perception of Islam and Muslims on.


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