Displaying 151 - 160 of 182.
The state considered that the problems of the Copts were a source of headaches, preferably to be avoided. Some people claim that the state relaxed after Pope Shenouda was returned to his seat by a new appointment decree. They considered the pope, to be the representative of the Copts in all...
The book "Treatment of Non-Muslims in the State of Islam," by Ibrahim Suleiman, refutes the claims accusing Islam of being a religion of fanaticism that blots out freedom. It also discusses the principles of the Islamic Shari’a regarding the treatment of non-Muslims.
A suspicious pamphlet from an unknown source asked for direct American intervention in Egypt’s affairs and for the American Marine forces to be stationed in Egypt to defend [American] foreign affairs here. It considered Copts as American subjects not as Egyptian citizens. It mentioned that churches...
[Editor’s note: Due to personal problems of the translator the translation could not be finished. A complete translation of the article will be published in week 15] Al-Midan newspaper organized a debate between the Muslim Brothers and Egyptian intellectuals. It was moderated by Midan’s editor in...
The author points out the discrepancy between the principles, the Brotherhood claim to follow and their practices; the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood wrote in his autobiography that they received funds from the foreign manager of the Suez Canal Company. The author believes they would have...
The Muslim Brotherhood’s female candidate in the last elections said that she did not nominate herself as a reaction to her husband’s prevention from nomination but because she intends to play a different role from her husband’s. She believes that neither her nomination nor supporting Copts were...
The idea of establishing a party representing the Brotherhood has its supporters and opponents. Prof. Rifa’at El-Said, Dr. Abu El-Ela Madi and Dr. Hossam Badrawi totally reject the idea and believe this would be a threat to society. Prof. Milad Hanna is of opinion that this is not a challenge to...
Religious extremists started campaigning against Rose Al-Youssef because it published a series of taped interviews with them which unleashed their thoughts, methods and goals. Yasser Al-Serri felt cornered after the magazine revealed the unimportance of his role, and how flat his ideas are. Sheikh...
[Also on pages 36, 37] The Muslim Brotherhood started preparing for the coming parliamentary elections three years ago. After failing to obtain influence in the government through terrorism, the Muslim Brothers decided to change their strategy for these elections. For the first time in their...
The Azhar University organized an international conference to celebrate 14 centuries of Islam in Egypt and discuss the results of the Islamic opening of Egypt, the current status of the Muslim nation, and preparations for a better future. During the three days of the conference, 19 papers were...


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