Displaying 131 - 140 of 181.
In the fiqh [Muslim jurisprudence] the word dhimmī means free non-Muslim subject living in a Muslim country, who in return for paying capital tax, receives protection and safety. As far as the dhimmīs’ beliefs and faiths are concerned, Muslims are required to leave them on their own.
At this juncture in Egyptian history, it would be tragic if a Muslim citizen looks upon Christian Coptic citizens as Dhimmīs. But, for Copts to view themselves in this demeaning manner is a tragedy beyond comprehension.
This equality and tolerance shown by Islam is because Islam believes that all human beings are of one origin. Human rights in Islam are based on two points: equality, and the fact that human beings share one common origin. Everyone is equal before God; their good deeds make the difference. Many...
It is surprising to find a Coptic, religious author, who cherishes his Christian faith, defending Islam. That is what the Egyptian intellectual Nabil Luqa Bebawy actually did. He stood up to the false claim that Muslims spread their call through the edge of the sword and forced people to join Islam...
I was very much astonished when Dr. Ayman Sabri Farag or Abu Gaffar Al-Masry Al-Kandahari told me “During the time of violent incidents in Upper Egypt, I felt very distressed. In his opinion, these incidents ‘tarnish the image of Islam and turn people away from it.’ These incidents do away with...
In spite of the large presence at the discussion of the dissertation of Dr. Nabil Luqa Bebawi on the “Rights and duties of non-Muslims in Islamic states, the mufti Dr. Ali Goma’a missed an important point. Dr. Bebawi said that jizya was not imposed on all non-Muslims in all times, confirming that...
Last week, Watani International printed an interview with Dr. Aly Gomaa, Egypt’s mufti. Some of the questions directed to the Mufti concerned the comparison between the absolute freedom with which Muslims in Egypt build mosques, and the parallel restrictions imposed by law on the building of...
For the first time in the history of Egypt, a Coptic thinker, Dr. Nabil Luqa Bebawi, has obtained a doctoral degree in Islamic Shari’a. The topic of his dissertation was “The rights and duties of non-Muslims in an Islamic state.” He said he chose this topic because Islam as revealed through the...
Some people believe that the issue of the loyalty and national affiliation of non-Orthodox Christians in Egypt, Catholics and Protestants, is questionable, especially with the different attitudes of these denominations towards political action. We emphasize that all [Egyptian] Christina, the...
The author believes that religious discourse is one of the main things that can provide support for democratic development. He focuses his argument on the Christian religious discourse.


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